From these confessions, even you will be ashamed: some people on Reddit talking about the most ridiculous situations from my childhood
In early October, a user of the social network Reddit asked users a question in the AskReddit section that, in any awkward alterations they fell in childhood and whether there are among them some which are embarrassing to remember even after years. 12 hours in the thread appeared more than 1500 thousand comments, most of which contained stories which make things even stranger for the reader.

Many of the stories associated with love in adolescence. Some Reddit user confessed to committing strange actions, the purpose of which was to obtain the location from the passions.
Another time one Joker is pulled from under my chair and I crashed to the floor. We attended some event in a place where there was a pool. To avenge his fall, I decided to push the offender into the water. But he reacted very quickly and as a result fell into the water I soaked my suit. After that, I was really angry at himself.
Once I at the zoo beat the monkey when I tried to take a ball, lying next to her plate of food. Now I know that monkeys are very fast and strong.
Once I was texting my friend how I got Mike. By mistake I sent this message to Mike, who was sitting next to me.
One time I fell and made a random tease for others. I was wearing too big pants, and I just fell out of them in front of the crowd of people.
Among redditors generally accepted to talk about ridiculous and silly situations that happened to them or their friends. Some of the stories cause laughter, but from the other it becomes uncomfortable.
Keywords: Reddit | Childhood | Recognition | Shame