Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth

Categories: Culture | Ecology | World |

If you believe the illustrations of the artist Simon Stolenhag, it is unlikely that humanity will have a bright future. A Swedish artist has created a series of digital illustrations that show what our world can become if people treat their home planet as carelessly. Stolenhag refers to the period that will come in a hundred years. According to him, such a future awaits us if humanity does not stop relying on dirty energy sources and does not eliminate the constant threat of nuclear war.

Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth
Stolenhag masterfully visualizes a world without hope, populated by chaotically wandering robots that prowl through gloomy deserted cities. His paintings are fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Although these are fantasies, they look quite real, given the current prospects.

Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth


Frighteningly realistic illustrations of what will happen if humanity does not stop destroying the Earth

Keywords: Apocalypse | Future | Illustrations | The end of the world | Post-apocalypse | Reality | Artist

