Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

Categories: Culture | Lifestyle | Nature | People | Society | Travel | World |

Australia is a continent, a country, and a land where kangaroos outnumber people. However, according to its most active online ambassadors, the place offers much more than the famous marsupial.

The subreddit ‘Australia’ unites locals and visitors who regularly share candid glimpses into this corner of the world. Whether it’s about the locals’ dry humor or the even drier landscapes, the posts touch on almost every aspect of everyday life, painting a picture for even those who haven’t experienced it to get an idea of what it’s about.


Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up
Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#1 Jacaranda Bloom In Australia

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up
Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#2 This Is Australia

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#3 Cackledactyls Are Fearless

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#4 A Friendly Echidna

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#5 Aussie Birds Are So Unique And Beautiful!

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#6 This Little Guy Just Landed In Front Of Me, And Let Me Get Close Enough To Capture This absolutely stunning Shot!

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#7 Went To Tassie And Captured Aurora Australis On My iPhone

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#8 Spotted At Mill Markets Newcomb

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#9 Queensland Style Halloween

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#10 Gotta Love A Spring Storm.. (Horsham)

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#11 We Found An Echidna This Morning In Our Yard. Little Dude Was So Chill. Just Waddling Around

Down Under Wonders: 12 Uniquely Australian Things To Crack You Up

#12 Cadbury And Her New Friend

Keywords: Australian Things | Australia | Continent | Country | Famous marsupial | People | Lifestyle | Nature

