About it: 8 facts about cat sex

Categories: Animals |

When your pussy does not want whiskey, but a cat, then there is nothing to stop it: she screams furiously, jumps out of the window if you don't live so high up… In general, before the cat decides to part with her innocence, we advise her to read these terrible details of the upcoming sex. If she is not a masochist, then she will come to her senses.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex
About it: 8 facts about cat sex

Cats can mate only during the period of heat and after one year, and cats are ready to perform their duty at any time and in any place.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

Although for breeding breeding, it is advised not to knit a cat more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

During mating, the cat will jump on the female from behind, holding her back by the neck with its teeth, which, in turn, stimulates ovulation.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

However, for cats, mating is quite a difficult test. The penis is covered with sharp prickly growths that cause severe pain when trying to "exit". This pain causes the process of ovulation.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

Sexual intercourse occurs for about 5 seconds, then the cat screams, the cat jumps sharply, and the cat begins to purr and rub its back against the floor.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

It is for this reason that cats are brought to the cats for mating, and not vice versa, so that the cat feels confident in its territory and tolerates the” concerts " of the cat.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

Copulation can occur up to 10 times per hour. For the mating to take place, it is necessary that the cat and the cat were together for at least 2 days. And it is not necessary that with one cat.

About it: 8 facts about cat sex

If the mating of a cat took place with several cats, then the cat may have kittens from several cats in the litter.

Keywords: Cats | Breeding | Mating

