"Do not drink — harm your health": giving up alcohol leads to insanity

A group of researchers from France and the UK found out that giving up alcoholic beverages can lead to the development of dementia. But do not rush to rejoice, lovers of sitting in the evening with a bottle of beer! According to scientists, excessive alcohol consumption is also harmful to the body.

You can read more about the results of the study below.

"Do not drink — harm your health": giving up alcohol leads to insanity

Specialists from University College London, together with their colleagues from the French National Institute of Health, studied the data of almost 10 thousand Britons to assess the effect of alcohol on their body. The study used data from people whose age in 1985 was 30-35 years.

So, it turned out that by the current moment, almost 400 participants in the experiment had dementia. This disease is characterized by a significant decrease in mental activity and loss of previously acquired skills. The average age of senile dementia is 76 years.

"Do not drink — harm your health": giving up alcohol leads to insanity

Scientists emphasize that the disease progressed mainly in those people who decided to completely give up alcohol. However, those Britons whose level of alcohol consumption exceeded the permissible norm of 14 alcoholic units per week also fell into the risk group.

One alcoholic unit of alcohol is equal to 10 ml of alcohol. According to scientists, in order to avoid the development of dementia, it is necessary to drink from 1 to 14 alcoholic units per week.

What do you think about this?

