20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

Categories: World |

We often hear tall girls complain about their height: you can't wear heels, all the guys are low, and jokes about tall ones are quite annoying… But if you think that the life of small people is much easier, then here are 20 photos that will convince you otherwise.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature
20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature
20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature
20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

Getting something from the top shelf in a supermarket for short people is an impossible task.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature
20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

When you only see your head in the mirror, and then not all of it.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"These things are supposed to protect you from sunlight, but they don't work for the short ones»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

To see something other than the dashboard, undersized people often have to use a pillow.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"This is me trying on glasses in the store»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

Only short people know how tedious, and sometimes even dangerous, it is to get condiments out of the cabinet.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"It turns out that not only vampires do not have a reflection in the mirror»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"My mother uses special steps to climb into bed»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"This is what a date looks like when he's big and you're a baby»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"This child is 2 years old. And, yes, he's standard height»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

But this is the real problem!

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"Do you also stand on the windowsill to open the window?»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"When ordinary carts are too big for you, special children's carts are used!»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

Loyal friends will come to the rescue!

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

When there is no other way out.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"For me, this is a whole tank!»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"How I love collective photos!»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

Short arms can also be a problem.

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"And so it is every time»

20 photos that show all the suffering of people of low stature

"Me and my winter clothes»

Keywords: Small | Compilation | Height | Funny | Humor

