Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

Categories: Asia | Health and Medicine |

It turns out that South Korea is a leader in the field of plastic surgery. Since 2009, more plastic surgeries have been performed in this country than in any other. And last year, about 50 thousand people specially came to South Korea for the sake of plastic surgery.

There are even special services for foreigners who have visited the country for one purpose — to go under the knife. One of them, "My Seoul Secret", helps Westerners navigate the world of plastic surgery, gives consultations, and also organizes arrival in the country.

So, in order to have an idea why so many people go to a foreign country in pursuit of beauty, five brave people from the London editorial office of BuzzFeed sent their photos for expert evaluation from plastic surgeons. And that's what the two doctors would like to change in their faces.

Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons
Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons


The opinion of a plastic surgeon: "She has beautiful eyes, but she will not be prevented from significant transformations to bring harmony and balance to her features. The hairline should be lowered with a hair transplant to make the upper part of the face more proportional to the lower one."

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Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

This is how Tolani should look after plastic surgery.

Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons


The opinion of a plastic surgeon: "Beautiful eyes and an elegant little face. However, rhinoplasty will not hurt to lift the tip of the nose and reduce the nostrils. Get rid of the tear furrow by inserting fillers. A fat graft to the frontal part will create a more rounded shape, and a cheek implant will give the face volume."

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Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

Photo of Laura after processing.

Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons


The surgeon's opinion: "A nice young man. Why does he need surgery? He can, of course, make minor corrections — remove the hump on the nose by inserting a filler. You can also create a contour of the chin line with botox or liposuction."

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Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

Photo of Raina after processing.

Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons


The opinion of a plastic surgeon: "She looks very young. However, the nose is a little too short and a significant asymmetry of the face on the right is noticeable. You can do contouring of the face. The forehead seems flat, but it's hard to tell because the hair gets in the way. Rhinoplasty will lengthen the nose and slightly raise the tip. Liposuction is needed in the chin area."

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Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

Rachel's photo after processing.

Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons


The opinion of a plastic surgeon: "He has good facial proportions, a perfect nose, but he could look younger. There are signs of aging on the lower part of the face, they can be removed."

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Beauty standards from South Korean plastic surgeons

Photo of Francis after processing.

Keywords: Before and after | Beauty | Plastic surgery | Seoul | Standard | South korea

