Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Categories: Children |

Meet this funny little girl — Aurora Cairo, or Rory. She is 2 years old and lives in Texas with her parents. She was born with fibular hemimelia, meaning her leg stopped growing one day. And it had to be amputated.

Despite everything, according to the girl's mother Kayla Moore, Rory is energetic, cheerful and strong.

(8 photos in total)

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg
Source: Buzz Feed

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Rory with his parents, Kayla Moore and Javon Cairo. They are both 23 years old.

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Kayla told how, at the 5th month of pregnancy, the doctor saw on the sonogram that the right leg of the fetus was not developing. The girl was born, and a few months later her leg was amputated. Thank God, the operation and the recovery period passed without complications, Rory had excellent doctors who took care of her.

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

A month ago, Rory's mom shared on a Facebook page dedicated to people with amputated limbs that her daughter is doing well and is making significant progress.

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Moreover, the girl runs great, which even makes her parents a little nervous, who are afraid of losing her.

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Rory's photo received a lot of comments in which people congratulated their parents on such a wonderful beautiful daughter.

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

For many Internet users, the girl's story has become an example of love of life. Someone even wrote that now "I have become more appreciative of life, every minute and second of it."

Aurora Cairo is a charming 2—year-old baby with a prosthetic leg

Kayla said that little Aurora is very purposeful in everything, whether it's physical therapy, training or pranks.

Keywords: Leg | Prosthesis

