An apple from an apple tree: famous parents and their children
Expectant parents often argue about who the child will look like: mom or dad? And when he is finally born, the arguments about his appearance do not subside for a very long time. The families of the stars are no exception. But, apparently, the heroes of this collection did not have such questions.
Milla Jovovich and Ever Anderson
Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd
Mikhail and Anna Baryshnikov
Frances Fisher and Francesca Eastwood
Liam (Oasis) and Lennon Gallagher
Dolph and Ida Lundgren
Dennis and Jack Quaid
Donald and Kiefer Sutherland
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baena
Jennifer Lopez and Emma Meribel Anthony
Steve and Robert Irwin
Roger (Queen) and Rufus Taylor
John Lennon with Paul McCartney and Sean Lennon with James McCartney
Liv Tyler as a child and her daughter Lula Rose Gardner
Leah Thompson and Madeline Deutsch
Keywords: Star selection | Parents | Photos