An amazing story about the boy Lev

A story that all of us should know.

In one Moscow school, a boy stopped going to classes. He doesn't go for a week, two... Leva didn't have a phone, and classmates, on the advice of the teacher, decided to go to his house. Levin's mother opened the door. Her face was very sad. The guys greeted each other and timidly asked: "Why doesn't Lev go to school?" My mother sadly replied: "He won't study with you anymore. He had an operation. Unsuccessful. Leva is blind and can't walk himself..."

An amazing story about the boy Lev
An amazing story about the boy Lev

Little Leva Pontryagin

Tears welled up in Mom's eyes. She led her friends into the room. A little later, feeling the way with his hand, Leva came out to them with a blindfold over his eyes. The guys froze. Only now did they truly understand what misfortune had happened to their friend.

Leva said with difficulty: - Hello.

And then from all sides it rained down: - I'll come for you tomorrow and take you to school. — And I'll tell you what we did in algebra. - And I'm in history.

An amazing story about the boy Lev

Lev Pontryagin 's parents are Semyon Akimovich and Tatiana Andreevna Pontryagin

In order to explain a lesson to a friend in trouble, you need to know it yourself. And the guys tried. Moreover, in winter they began to take Leva to the skating rink. The boy was very fond of classical music, and classmates went with him to symphony concerts…

An amazing story about the boy Lev

At the mathematical Olympiad of schoolchildren. On the left: S.V. Yablonsky, L.A. Lusternik, V.G. Boltyansky; on the right L.S. Pontryagin

An amazing story about the boy Lev

S.A. Lefshets and L.S. Pontryagin at the Mathematical Congress in Edinburgh. onethousandninehundredfiftyeight

An amazing story about the boy Lev

Lev Semenovich Pontryagin at work. The 1960s.

An amazing story about the boy Lev

A group of academicians on the day of awarding the diploma and the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In the center L.S. Pontryagin and M.V. Keldysh. Moscow, Kremlin, 1969

An amazing story about the boy Lev

During the presentation of the doctoral diploma at Oxford University. England, 1977

An amazing story about the boy Lev

At the dacha with his wife Alexandra. The 1970s.

An amazing story about the boy Lev

On the day of the 75th anniversary of Lev Semenovich Pontryagin. From left to right: S.M. Nikolsky, Yu.V. Prokhorov, L.S. Pontryagin, V.A. Melnikov, A.N. Tikhonov, S.P. Novikov, G. I. Marchuk

Keywords: Admiration | Childhood | Kindness | Friendship | Vision | Disabled people | Help | Blindness | Fate | Talent | Emotions

