Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

Categories: Social Networks | Society | World |

For anybody not a secret that the porn is shot for men and shoot a movie also men. The problem with this genre is that the creators of such products don't care about the interests of women and their attitude towards sex. Erika lust (Erika Lust) is one of the few women Directors in this industry and the only one who shoots porn specifically for women. (Caution! Nude).

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

Erika lust is a well — known figure in the world of porn and erotic movie. She is not only Director in adult films, but also the owner of his own production company. This allows the woman to make a movie independently, from beginning to end, so what she wants to see him.

Simply and clearly talks about his work Eric in a press interview. On PornHub, according to statistics 2018, every second, recorded more than 1,000 requests from users. While the vast majority live in the world's largest pornoserver dedicated to "macho" men, satisfy your passion, while neglecting the interests of the ladies.

Lust suggests that most adult films show sexuality, which she does not share. So the woman began to remove the particular porn in which get pleasure both partners. Their work female Director spins mainly in social networks, but to find them, even with some effort, is not easy.

Erika lust argues that social media specifically filter out such work and the attitude towards them, the moderators are always extremely biased. The woman is sure that on instagram there is a "shadow ban", which partially or completely blocks the content with erotic overtones in the search results.

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

In the company's office deny the existence of such a bias against posts that do not violate terms of service, but said that if the publication of the complaints come from users that they have to work with similar content, including it completely block.

Also in the social network reminded that the author of the post, subjected to blocking, always has the right to appeal and challenge the decision of the moderators on removing content. In that case, if action had been taken in error, post back.

Lisa Williams (Lisa Williams), the team which also removes material of an erotic nature, also complained about content locking her account in instagram @thehotbedcollective. When the woman focuses on the fact that her platform is not entertaining, and poses a purely educational purpose.

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

Williams outraged by this attitude and I'm sure it is a double standard. The posts subjected to the ban will have no damage morality and not offend anyone, but just help to increase women's knowledge about their bodies.

Erika lust says something that today is acceptable in social networks, strongly "gives machismo". She believes that there is one simple formula: "Boobs! And ass! and "My car and my cigar!".

A survey conducted by the BBC in 2019, says that in the UK more than a third of women get their knowledge about sex is from porn. It is also known that 53% of teenage boys believe that adult video gives a real idea about sexuality and sex.

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

That is why Erika lust believes that modern society needs quality of pornographic materials, as a source of sexual knowledge.

Unfortunately, "ethical porn," according to Lisa to find on the Internet is not easy. Movies in which there is no motive of exploitation of man woman is a rarity and they just get lost in the total mass of products focused exclusively on the representatives of the stronger sex.

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

Sadly, if somewhere have high-quality pornographic movies with an acceptable plot, then view them have to pay. Of course, in such cases, youth choose a more affordable products with the highest quality, in which there is a stereotypical attitude towards women.

One of the Actresses who starred Erica lust, who called themselves journalists Heidi, said that in 13-14 years, when she's just interested in sex, her main teacher was the Internet. She believes that belongs to the first generation on the formation of sexuality which influenced pornography from the Internet.Lisa Williams is confident that women are sexual and they do not less than men like to watch porn. But many deny themselves this pleasure, as disappointed by movies that represent the mainstream of porn.

Adult movie for women by Erika lust, or Gender revolution in the world of porn

Porn actress Heidi also notes that she loves working with Erika lust, because her films are people with different body types, including full. Heidi herself has a rather curvy shape and she always needed to screen women with a body like hers.

It is hoped that people like lust and Williams will be able to make a revolution in the porn industry to make adult movies is interesting and useful both for men and for women.

By the way, did you know that not only do men and women have different tastes in porn. It turns out that preferences differ among users of different mobile platforms.

Keywords: 18+ | Actress | Fight | Men | Porn actress | Porn industry | Sexuality | Stereotype

