What is Freebreading and Why is it Gaining Popularity Around the World
Freebreeding is a practice in which women refuse to use personal hygiene products during their periods: tampons and menstrual cups. Moreover, some go even further and do not even use pads. Because of this, blood flows freely, leaving marks on clothes and the body. Some women who practice freebreeding sit at home on “special” days, while others lead a normal life and even go to work.

The hashtag #freebleeding appeared on TikTok in 2023, and by 2024 it had more than 70 million views. Nowadays, no one is surprised by videos on social networks in which women share their experience of giving up hygiene products and talk about changes in their lives. As a rule, the reviews are positive, although there are often critical comments from opponents of this approach.

Freebreading has probably been around for a long time, but it has only recently become widely discussed in the media and on social media. Some sources claim that the concept dates back to the 1970s, when tampons first appeared on store shelves. That's when the first cases of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), which occurred due to untimely replacement of products, began to be recorded.
The main symptoms of TSS were high temperature, fever and vomiting. In severe cases, if help was provided late, the outcome could be fatal. According to some reports, it was then that women first united as part of “menstrual activism”, advocating for a return to naturalness. However, there is no reliable confirmation of these stories yet.
Some believe that the main reason for refusing tampons and pads is women's desire for comfort. But freebreathing supporters also cite other factors. One of them is concern for the environment. Pads are 90 percent plastic, and it often ends up in the environment.

Under natural conditions, a regular pad will decompose in 500 to 800 years. The same is true for tampons. It is even worse when sanitary products are flushed down the drain. Where cleaning systems are ineffective, pads and tampons end up in water bodies. As a result, they harm the inhabitants of rivers and lakes. Moreover, over time, pads and tampons become a source of microplastics, which are now found everywhere - even in drinking water and the human body.
Another goal of freebending is to draw attention to the problems women face. Many use the practice as a form of protest. For example, in 2015, drummer Kiran Gandhi ran the London Marathon while on her period, refusing to use tampons or pads. Blood was clearly visible on her leggings. According to Kiran, this was her way of fighting against so-called “period poverty.”
The musician is concerned that millions of women around the world cannot afford sanitary products and are forced to hide during their periods. Gandhi wanted to break the stigma that has formed around menstruation and show that it is natural and not shameful.
Some women practice freebreeding for non-ideological reasons. There are also many who refuse hygiene products due to health problems. For example, one Reddit user wrote a post in which she talked about severe endometriosis and increased vaginal sensitivity, which is why she is forced to avoid pads and tampons.
The author of the post notes that she does not want to cause inconvenience to others, so she prefers to stay at home during her period. For convenience, she bought a special waterproof mattress pad, which helps to maintain cleanliness. In addition, many women who have minor discharge simply do not see the point in using hygiene products. For them, tampons or pads cause more discomfort than the period itself.
Freebreading is still a relatively new phenomenon. Scientists cannot say anything about its causes and effects, as serious studies have not yet been conducted. It is impossible to say whether it is good or bad for health, or whether freebreading helps to cope with menstrual pain. It is only known that such a practice is safe for the woman herself - this is what doctors say.
Freebreading causes contradictory reactions: for some it is a way of comfort and freedom, for others it is a reason for criticism. Some see it as an ecological and natural solution, others - a radical challenge to society. What is your attitude to this phenomenon?