A tribe who worship Prince Philip as a God, waiting for his coming after death
On the island of Tanna in the Republic of Vanuatu is home to a tribe yaohnanen which professes the cult of Prince Philip. They believe that it is their God and embodiment of the spirit of the volcano. And even after his death, the tribe does not grieve: they believe that Philip should come to them in a spiritual form, and share the wealth of the UK.

The monarch on the island of Tanna worship from the last century. Once the natives saw the portrait of Philip, took him for a God and now annually celebrate the birthday of the Prince. The tribe prayed every day to Prince Philip, believing that it will help to protect crops of bananas, sweet potatoes and yams.

Tribe learned of the death of Prince Philip on Friday night when it was announced, but only the next day when they reported this to the people of the neighboring resort. Women burst into tears and grieving men just stopped. Everyone was in shock and didn't want to believe it.
For decades, the community of 400 people worshipped the Prince Phillip, every day praying that he protected their crops of bananas and yams. It is not clear how the Prince who had never been on this island, has been regarded as a deity.
It is believed that the tribesmen saw large portraits with the image of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip when they visited Port Vila in the 1960‑ies, and vpechatlenie the fact that this man is married "mighty white Queen" at the other end of the world began to believe that he is the embodiment of the spirit of the volcano, which one day will return to Tanna.
Closest to the Duke came to the island during a trip to the capital of Port Vila in 1974. Then, Vanuatu was an Anglo-French colony called New Hebrides. During the Royal visit, the warrior from Tanna named Chief Jack Naiva and others floated in a canoe 240 km from the capital to greet Prince Philip, when he disembarked from the Royal yacht Britannia.
After this event, God-like status of the Prince even more entrenched – the leader Niva convinced that the Duke was sent from heaven to protect the island from cyclones, and bring people good luck.
The people even assumed that divine intervention Prince Philip helped to elect Barack Obama – a black man is the President of the United States in 2008. About it told in his book on the tribe yaohnanen writer Matthew Bailey.
Prince Philip knew that there is a tribe, where he is worshiped as God. He was sent to the island of his portraits, in a framework that here honored as Holy. And the villagers Yaohnanen in 1980 sent him a traditional military club, which is called nal-nal and used for hunting pigs.
They asked Prince Philip take a picture with her, which he did. Now this photo is absolutely sacred to the island of Tanna.
The chief of the tribe Charlie is going to have a traditional feast and ceremony to mourn the death of Prince Philip. The tribe was hoping that the Prince will visit the island before his death, but now they believe that to Tana sure to get his spirit.
Keywords: News | People | Nation | World | Mourning | Prince | A society of the Pacific ocean