A 45-year-old father of three with a beer belly turned into a fitness god in 12 weeks
Ben Jackson, 45, from Warrington, a father of three, pulled himself together and swapped pies and beer for a low-carb and protein-rich diet. The man was able to lose weight from 86.5 kilograms to 79 and reduce the amount of body fat from 20 to 9%. The results in 12 weeks are staggering. Jackson showed that even after 40 years, you can change, turn from a typical dad with a beer belly into a fitness god — you just have to want to.
Ben not only followed a strict diet and trained 5 times a week in the gym, but also refused alcohol to achieve results.
Before starting training, Ben called himself a "45-year-old fat man": "Many men over 45 think that in middle age it's too late to try to change something and start a fitness adventure. Allegedly, they have long lost their shape, and their health is not the same as in 20 years."
In the photo: on the left — the beginning of training, on the right — after 12 weeks.
"My main goal was to lose weight and get my body in shape."
On the left — the 2nd week, on the right — the 3rd week.
Ben Jackson spoke about the changes that took place after the start of training: "It was like I became a different person."
On the left — the 4th week, on the right — the 5th week.
"I became more cheerful and full of energy. Even sleeping got better, there was an unlimited supply of patience with children, problems at work no longer seemed to be the end of the world as before, I became happier."
On the left — the 6th week, on the right — the 7th week.
According to the father of three children, he really liked the physical training in the gym, because he had a lot of fun with the coach, the exercises helped clear his head and recharge for the next day.
On the left — the 8th week, on the right — the 9th week.
"I hope that my results will inspire other middle-aged men to overcome their insecurities and find hope that they are still able to change themselves, and not only physically. It's three months of your life, and it's worth it."
On the left — the 10th week, on the right — the 11th week.
Ben is in the middle of a working day.
Keywords: Age | Before and after | Muscles | Father | Dad | Then and now | Transformation