9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Alcoholism is a rather dangerous disease, which, unfortunately, not all people want to recognize. Some people think that they are completely in control of the situation, but gradually the "green snake" wins over them.

And we can help our loved ones (and maybe even ourselves) as soon as possible, "diagnose" this disease and start to cope with it. Below are the 9 main signs that a person is an alcoholic.

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Aggression and denial

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Any attempts to discuss a possible problem will be thwarted. Because, according to the alcoholic, the problem does not exist. He will laugh it off, say that he has the situation under control, get angry, offended, or even show aggression.

At best, he will just sit down, listen to your arguments, nod his head and say that " this is not about him."

No reason not to drink

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Alcoholics always find compelling reasons to drink. This can be a "meeting with a childhood friend", "the birth of a son at a work colleague", "Cosmonautics Day" or even " 101 days a year»... As they say, "there would be a reason".

And most often, such people are genuinely surprised and indignant when they are told that the reason is disrespectful. "How disrespectful is that?! Today is Tatiana's Day, and our boss's wife is called Tatiana!".

Alcohol replaces food

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Choosing between "drink" and "eat", an alcoholic will always give preference to the first. Why eat too much if you can drink a couple of glasses of beer, and the feeling of hunger will disappear?

Because of this, it often happens that alcoholics lose their appetite and literally "push" food into themselves through force. The second option — a meal is necessarily accompanied by several glasses "to increase appetite".

Changes in behavior

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Under the influence of alcohol, the behavior of alcoholics changes greatly and, as a rule, not for the better. We are not talking about "emancipation" and "confidence", which are often attributed to the supposedly positive aspects of alcohol consumption.

We are talking about aggression, impulsivity and strange behavior in general. You may have heard phrases like, " You're a different person when you drink!"

Sobriety = bad mood

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

Alcoholics can't spend a day without something hot. Any holiday, going for a walk, gatherings with friends are accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages. After all, it seems to such people that it is simply impossible to have fun in any other way.

In addition, if an alcoholic suddenly decides to abruptly "quit", the body accustomed to alcohol will give him an alarm signal: "Hey, what are you doing?!". And this, in turn, will lead to nervousness, anxiety, increased sweating and rapid heartbeat. Fortunately, sober people do not understand this.

Drinking for the sake of intoxication

Alcoholics simply do not understand why drink "a couple of glasses" or "a couple of glasses of wine", if it will not be of any use? After all, you need to drink "to insert!", and not for pleasure.

And they sincerely do not understand why they drink champagne on many holidays. "How much does it take to get drunk?" Better than vodka-faster, cheaper and more efficient!

Memory lapses

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

You've noticed that some people do crazy things when they're drunk, and when they're sober, they don't remember anything.

Don't think they're faking it! In fact, with each dose of alcohol consumed, the brain of alcoholics begins to work worse, so blackouts are common for them. And they can occur not only during intoxication, but also during periods of sobriety.

You can not hangover

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

You will be surprised, but alcoholics can not hangover! And this is not due to the strength of will or the absence of side symptoms in the morning. It's just that they are already used to this terrible state, and once again drinking, they realize that they will feel very bad, "but what can you do?".

There is always a " stash»

9 signs that a person close to you is an alcoholic

"True" alcoholics always have a hidden supply of alcohol. Somewhere in the table behind the dishes there may be a small bottle of vodka, in the cabinet — a bottle of wine, in the glove compartment — a flask of cognac, a friend's gift of whiskey is shamefacedly "hiding" in the office, so to speak, "for a rainy day".

Sooner or later, such people begin to drink alone, and then such" scattered " in different corners of the stocks of alcohol come in handy as never before. And alcoholics themselves begin to hide, for example, to go out to drink beer, hiding behind a trip to the store, and so on.

Well, did you recognize someone from your friends? We really hope not! In the opposite case, urgently consider options for "healing the patient", while alcoholism has not had time to progress to the last stages.

Keywords: Alcoholism | Alcohol | Signs | Drunkenness

