9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

When everything seems to be going wrong, there are two things that keep us in the mood - daydreaming and nostalgia. There is nothing better than snuggling into a warm blanket, grabbing a hot mug of tea and some baby snacks, and reminiscing about the good old days. (Preferably with an old movie, game, or soundtrack to cheer you up.)

Get ready to plunge into childhood.


9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

1. Who remembers how to look through a catalog of cards in search of a book?

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

2. Remodeled my room from the 90s in 3D software as I remember it.

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

3. There were some wild illustrations on the blank VHS covers.

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

4. Viennette, Ice cream that I knew my family couldn't afford.

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

5. CD wallets... We know they still exist, but 90s nostalgia.

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

6. Does anyone else want to return phones with a 3m cord?

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

7. Has anyone played Aladdin?

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

8. My collection of old electronics that I can't throw away.

9 outdated things to prove how much the world has advanced and changed

9. LEGO Ghost from the 90s. Glows in the dark!

Keywords: Outdated things | History | Nostalgia | World | Modern life | Daydreaming | Lifestyle | Technologies

