7 things we could use instead of throwing away

The world produces 2.01 billion tons of garbage every year, of which at least 33% is not recycled in an environmentally friendly way, and 91% of the plastic in this garbage is not recycled at all. Few people are aware of the hidden uses of things we tend to throw away. Luckily, we can give a second life to our garbage and use it to our advantage to help our beautiful planet a little.


7 things we could use instead of throwing away

1. Banana peel is an ideal fertilizer for plants. They are rich in vitamins and at the same time environmentally friendly.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

2. There are several ways to turn those seemingly useless (at first glance) toilet paper rolls. They can serve as organizers. Plus, you can even sell them as many people use them for crafts.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

3. Egg cells can be used as seed containers. Don't forget to drain each one. You can also use them to keep small items like buttons, ribbons or paper clips in one place.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

4. For farmers - you can feed chickens with eggshells. Don't worry if this sounds weird, chickens actually eat their eggs in nature as this provides them with calcium. You can also sprinkle eggshells on the ground to keep snails and slugs out of your garden.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

5. Newspapers are better for cleaning windows because they do not leave streaks or stains on windows. Newspaper can also be used in place of bubble wrap, which is a cheaper option but still provides cushioning. Finally, they can keep their shape perfectly - just tuck them into your shoes and bag.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

6. It can be as simple as adding bacon fat to popcorn for bacon flavor, or using it to fry eggs, fries, or make cookies. You can even feed it to birds - just let the fat cool and put it out the window once it's solidified. Alternatively, use bacon grease to prevent pans from rusting.

7 things we could use instead of throwing away

7. Although they are better known for their ability to reduce dark circles, there are other uses as well. Throw a tea bag in the bath while you take a bath. Chamomile, jasmine, or lavender are great for the skin. The bags are also good at removing the smell of onions, just rub your hands with a dry, used teabag

Keywords: Garbage | Lifestyle | Pollution | World problems | Planet | Earth | Nature | People | Beautiful planet

