7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Categories: Celebrities | History |

Pectrum reports: these seven great men are not washed and smelled like two-week socks, which kept herring, but this did not prevent them to forever remain in history!

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world
7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Ludwig van Beethoven

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Mao Zedong

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Henry IV, king of France

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Frederick II the Great, king of Prussia

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Howard Hughes

7 fuu of facts about the stinking men in the world

Karl Marx

Keywords: Hygiene | Men | Facts

