6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

Some say technology is to blame for insomnia. What if we told you that insomnia is also present in animals and insects, or that your insomnia problem might be hereditary? Whatever the reason, every problem has a solution.

There are many ways to help your eyes sleep. We would like to explain some of them in detail.


6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

1. Get rid of the light.

For healthy sleep, the first requirement is the ideal atmosphere in the room. The absence of all the lights will lead you to a successful night of rest. Therefore, it is better to hang vertical blinds on the windows. But that is not all. Even the slightest light coming from an iPad or a blinking light from a laptop can distract your attention and keep you awake. Scientifically, this little glow travels from your eyes to your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls sleep. The darker the room, the faster you will fall asleep.

6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

2. Try meditation.

Meditation can be credited with solving many problems. This also includes sleep problems. According to a 2009 Stanford study, people who followed a meditation program to fall asleep faster were able to fall asleep twice as fast as those who didn't meditate.

6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

3. Maintain a consistent sleep pattern.

This fact is known to everyone who tells you to go to bed at the same time every night. With our busy schedules, we tend to not stick to our sleep routine, especially on the weekends, and it's just so wrong.

6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

4. Don't nap during the day.

To fall asleep quickly at night, you should avoid daytime sleep. At least for a very long time. According to experts, you need a certain number of hours of sleep according to your age. Daytime sleep should last no more than 20-25 minutes.

6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

5. Aromatherapy with lavender oil.

Lavender has a wonderful fragrance as well as a therapeutic benefit - it is used as a sleep activator. Studies have shown that the smell of lavender can help a person fall asleep faster and deeper.

6 unusual ways to sleep better at night

6. Visit your favorite place in your imagination.

Forget sheep. Counting them will only make your brain worry and won't guarantee REM sleep. Instead, scientists now agree that if you want to fall asleep faster, you should imagine your favorite places and remember things that relax your mind. In this way, you could suspend any disturbing thoughts that have been bothering you.

Keywords: Unusual ways | Tricks | Technology | Life hacks | Insomnia | Health problems | Solution | Insects

