20 unusual ways to use vodka

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Vodka mixed drink. Drink it more harmful than helpful. However, if you use in everyday life it can replace many different tools.

20 unusual ways to use vodka
20 unusual ways to use vodka

20 unusual ways to use vodka
20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 1. No pain to remove from the wound a band-aid, soak it with vodka. It will dissolve the glue.

20 unusual ways to use vodka
20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 2. To clean the caulk joints in bathrooms and showers, fill the bottle with cooking spray vodka, napishite on the putty, wait five minutes and rinse with water. The alcohol in the vodka kills fungi, molds and other microorganisms.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 3. To clean the lenses of the glasses, wipe them with a cloth slightly dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills bacteria.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 4. Extend the life of razor blades, dropping them in a glass of vodka after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents them from rust.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 5. Spray vodka on vomit stains, scrub them with a brush, then Pat dry.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 6. Using a piece of cotton wool, apply vodka to the face as binders; it will clean your skin and tightens pores.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 7. Add a Cup of vodka and a bottle of shampoo. Alcohol removes toxins from hair and stimulates their growth.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 8. Fill plastic bags with vodka, diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, and freeze. Get the portable, reusable cooling elements – they will rescue you during your trip to the picnic or to the country. They can also be used to remove pain and bruising.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 9. The kitchen was infested with fruit flies? Mix 30 ml of vodka, 3-4 drops of liquid dishwashing and 400 ml of water. Wipe this mixture a place inhabited by insects, and they leave your house.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 10. Fill the jar from-under mayonnaise fresh lavender flowers, fill it with vodka, seal the lid and put in the sun for three days. Strain through cheesecloth and use the tincture as a medicine for pain in bones and muscles.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 11. Make your own liquid for rinsing the mouth, stirred nine tablespoons ground cinnamon in a glass of vodka. Strain. Mix with warm water and rinse your mouth. Do not swallow.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 12. Vodka cools wounds and burns. It should be applied immediately after the defeat of fire. If not to linger, to avoid blisters.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 13. If the burst blister, pour vodka on it, as a local anesthetic and disinfectant.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 14. To get rid of dandruff, stir in Cup of vodka with two teaspoons of ground rosemary. Allow to stand for two days, strain, massage into the scalp and allow to dry

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 15. To get rid of ear pain, put a few drops of vodka in your ear. Wait for a few minutes, then blot. The vodka will kill the bacteria that cause inflammation and pain in the ear.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 16. Vodka has antipyretic effect, but only when applied topically. This property is due to the rapid evaporation of alcohol from the skin and cools. With strong heat, it is recommended to grind the bitter back and chest of the patient. After the don't need its heat shield – this will slow down the evaporation process.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 17. Vodka is struggling with an unpleasant odor from the feet. The cause of the odor – bacteria that live around sweat glands. Wiping in the morning and in the evening the feet of vodka, you eliminate these bacteria, and no one will be producing unpleasant smell.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 18. Just dip a cotton swab into the match in vodka and tap a few times to herpes on the lips, that he is desiccated.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 19. Pour the vodka burn poison ivy, it will help dissolve toxic oils on the skin.

20 unusual ways to use vodka

Method 20. You went to visit in the stunning new shoes. But when he came, barely able to sit at the table – a charming pumps much tinder. Pour 50 ml vodka into each Shoe, and after 10-15 minutes the pain subsides.

Keywords: Alcohol | World | Life | Advice | Vodka | Methods | Using

