5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays


5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

1. Frame from the movie "The Big Lebowski"

We hope you have already managed to recover mentally after the New Year holidays, and are now ready to do it physically. Therefore, below we share five exercises that will make your return soft and help you get rid of the pounds you have gained.

5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

2. Warm-up

Stand up straight, and try to keep your back straight throughout the workout. Slowly tilt your head forward, backward, right, and left, rotate your arms, and make a full swing forward and backward. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, take your knees to different sides, and then connect and swing to the right and left. Stretch your ankles by placing your feet alternately on your toes and turning your heel in a circle.

Run time: 1 minute.

5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

2. Jump Squats

Place a chair in front of you. Stand straight, legs apart wider than shoulders. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat position until you touch the chair. Jump sharply vertically upwards, and reach for the ceiling with your arms and crown. Repeat.

Run time: 1 minute.

5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

3. Exercise "Book"

Set up a chair. Sit on the floor, lean back, and raise your legs to head level, while tensing your abs. Pull your legs towards you and straighten them under the chair and over the seat of the chair.

Run time: 1 minute.

5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

4. standing exercise

Stand with your back to a chair, slowly sit on a chair, placing one foot on the heel and the other on the full foot. Sitting on a chair, immediately rise, not allowing the muscles of the press to relax.

Run time: 1 minute.

5 exercises to smoothly get back in shape after the holidays

5. Push-ups

Perform reverse push-ups from a chair on your hands. To do this, sit on a chair, firmly hold your hands to the right and left of the seat, and lower your buttocks down, lowering and raising your body so that your arms bend at the joints to an angle of 90 degrees.

Run time: 1 minute.

Keywords: Exercises | Sport | Sport types | Daily exercises | People | Healthy life | Health | Lifestyle

