40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Categories: Children | Positive | World |

The child can cook the most delicious food, but to get him to eat is sometimes impossible feat! Exhausted parents are sharing in a network of stories about the excuses that are inventing their offspring, refusing Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

40 reasons why children refuse to eat
40 reasons why children refuse to eat
40 reasons why children refuse to eat
40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"He asked for Ratatouille, as in the eponymous movie. I scoured the Internet looking for a recipe — and now he refuses to eat it because it was made not a rat"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat
40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"My four-year old refused to eat the pie because he is "too beautiful""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"It's broken". Broke, by the way,""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"He's too cute"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"NOT eating, because it "reminds us what happened to snow white""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Refused to eat, because I pulled the stones out of the cherries, and then "turned them into olives"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Him "disgusting these hairs". He's 15"

"He likes onion rings, but now refuses to eat them because the other day found out that they have onions"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because honey cereal — taste of honey, and chocolate — flavored chocolate, and these, probably, — with the taste of Elsa, and she wants to eat Elsa"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"She doesn't like "nipples". Maybe seeds? "No nipples!""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Because she asked for "cheese and crackers, not cheese and crackers!"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Will not eat, because the bowl too many spoons. Guess who put them there?

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Won't eat because the grapes are "too sharp". Sharp!

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

""I won't, because they are headless," he said, biting off their heads"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she is too ornate"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"He refused to eat a cheese sandwich because his tail, and he doesn't eat animals"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because the honey on the sandwich like a rabbit, and he doesn't want to kill a rabbit"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"The first half of the biscuits he liked, but then he realized that it was not Oreo. I'm not saying that this is Oreo. But now he sobs"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she doesn't like the orange on the banana. This, incidentally, is fork"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because carrots have legs"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because, "this tastes as if they mixed different fruits". Um, well, you can say so, because it's a fruit salad"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because he was biting the mouse"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Eddie refused to eat, said that should not have been so nice to slice"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she's a vegetarian and wants instead of meat chicken nuggets"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

Because this cupcake looks bad, he needs a doctor""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"He doesn't want the ravioli because "they have smaller fingers""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because, "they are uneven""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she won't eat anything divided into parts, because of this she may fall apart, and no one will gather"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"I bought pasta in the shape of bats. Now they're crying, and no one can persuade them that this is not true bats"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because "in it the seeds""

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because when she dropped it on the table, cracked glaze. She's 17"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she wanted it, but as I was doing it, she wanted more"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because it looks like ass"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because in a room someone farted, and now muffin dirty"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"She refused to eat the yogurt on the left, which I chose for her, and she chose a yoghurt on the right. Find the difference"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because I said it legs, and he doesn't eat the legs. Only wings"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because he wanted candy from nuts and candy — who would have thought? — was nuts"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because she wants a goldfish"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because, "she already ate at school." By the way, today is Sunday"

40 reasons why children refuse to eat

"Because these berries have died"

Keywords: The food | The selection | Cause the parents

