10 reasons not to give up chewing gum
Since childhood, we are taught that there is nothing good in the habit of chewing gum. It is ugly, harmful to the stomach, worsens the brain — you can continue indefinitely. Among the harmful features there are both far-fetched and well-founded. The latter include harm to the stomach. Excessive salivation during chewing provokes gastritis and stomach ulcers. But it turns out that chewing gum has positive properties and there are a lot of them too!

When they tell you in advertising that chewing gum can whiten teeth, they are shamelessly lying. No gum in the world is capable of this. But she can clean the enamel from plaque that appears as a result of smoking, abuse of coffee and black tea. Most manufacturers add special substances to their products that help remove plaque from teeth.

It should be said right away that we are not talking about ordinary chewing gum. The Australian and American Dental Associations presented gum containing gum. It is an organic substance used in many industries as glue, and in the food industry also as an emulsion stabilizer. Gum is able to prevent the appearance of caries, and even stop it in the early stages.
Our gums need to maintain their tone. Weakening, they not only worsen the condition of the teeth, but also negatively affect health in general. All this means that the gums need to be trained. Modern food is too tender, so additional funds in the form of chewing gum will not hurt. At the same time, it is important to remember that you need to chew evenly on different sides of the jaws. The load on the gums should be uniform.

When we chew, there is an active release of saliva. This liquid contains substances that perform a buffer role. These are enzymes that neutralize acids dangerous to tooth enamel that enter the mouth along with food and drinks. Acids treated with these enzymes no longer pose a threat to tooth enamel.
Teachers in our schools have always been categorically against chewing gum. They claim that when chewing, a person distracts attention, is distracted. But in the West everything is different. In the US Army during the Korean War, on the recommendation of doctors, soldiers were specially given chewing gum so that they could concentrate better on their tasks. In the UK, they are also confident in the benefits of chewing. Research by British scientists has shown that chewing gum improves memory by 25-40 percent.
American scientists have conducted a study of the effect of chewing gum on a person under stress. It turned out that when we chew, we feel calmer. If you use gum with the addition of gum, which we have already written about, then the content of the stress hormone cortisol decreases in the body. In the USA, chewing gum is even recommended for those who bite their nails or have other unpleasant habits associated with anxiety.
Repeated studies of the effect of chewing gum on the nervous system have shown an interesting result. It turns out that when the jaws work, the part of the brain responsible for arousal is stimulated. Thanks to this, the chewing person feels more cheerful than others and this condition persists for a long time.
It turns out that chewing gum can disinfect the oral cavity. But it is not any gum that gets rid of bacteria, but only one that does not contain sugar. It is known that the sweet environment is ideal for the reproduction of microorganisms. In Sugar Free products, sugar is replaced by xylitol and sorbitol, which are not suitable for maintaining the vital activity of microorganisms.
With active chewing, dozens of facial muscles work. Working, they themselves are in good shape, and also contribute to improving blood circulation in the adjacent tissues. This phenomenon gives a tightening effect, as it promotes better metabolism in cells and slows down their aging. Regular use of chewing gum helps to keep the face in shape and maintain its oval shape.
Strange as it may sound, but chewing gum can help the dentist in determining the diagnosis. Lorenz Meinel, a pharmacist at the University of Würzburg (Germany), said that we are talking about gum diseases in people with dental implants. Unfortunately, the implants themselves do not respond to problems with the gums, as they do not have nerve endings. Therefore, problems can be detected at an advanced stage, when expensive and long-term treatment is required.
With the help of chewing gum, you can determine the disease earlier. The product with the addition of the substance denatonium helps to make an unmistakable diagnosis. In a completely healthy oral cavity, denatonium is absolutely tasteless. But if it comes into contact with inflamed tissues, it instantly has a bitter taste. Scientists continue to work on diagnostic chewing gum and are now looking for a way to distinguish streptococcal infection from angina with their help.
In general, diagnoses on the condition of the oral cavity and teeth, including, are made without chewing gum.