18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Categories: Europe | History |

Prim Britons during the reign of Queen Victoria seem to be a model of decorum and good morals. It's hard to imagine, but British women of those years wore pantaloons with a hole in the most interesting place, and respectable doctors relieved them of hysteria with a thorough massage ... of the clitoris. Rotten food and canned food with arsenic, dead children in the photo, the queen is a glutton, as well as other strange and nasty facts about the Victorian era.

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain
18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Doctors of that era treated hysteria in women with masturbation

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Women's underwear was open in the crotch area

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Menstruation at that time was just a bloody nightmare

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

In this era, women were very hairy... everywhere

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

The Thames was so full of feces, garbage and dead animals that you could walk on it

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

The streets of cities in those days were no less disgusting

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

In the 60s of the XIX century, crinolines became so wide that women got stuck in the door

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Often the food was spoiled or just of poor quality

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Queen Victoria made the cooks cook a vat of curry every day, although she couldn't stand it herself

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

But Victoria ate other food at the speed of light

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Toothpaste was made from coal and honey

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Women made face masks from raw meat

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

In the 1870s, the star of the London and Liverpool panopticons was a "boy with a dog's face" from Russia

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Boys in childhood wore dresses — until it was time to go to school

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Almost 50% of children died before they reached the age of five

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Grieving families were photographed with the corpses of their children

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

In rich houses, for some reason, they liked to eat fried veal ears

18 Strange and Disgusting facts about Victorian Britain

Charles Darwin was very fond of dishes from exotic animals

Keywords: 19th century | Britain | Great Britain | Victorian era | Disgusting | Strange

