13 unexpected reasons to lose weight: from simple economy to reduce braking distance
Losing weight typically for a beautiful figure, but often this motivation to achieve goals is not enough. So we want to share the devil's dozen is very original, but very unexpected reasons to get rid of excess weight.
These tips are suitable not only for young fashionistas, but even motorists, boxers and dancers. But most importantly — people with a good sense of humor.
Because the products will go up further.
You became too small your grated jeans.
You want to go in a more light-weight category and not to meet with Valuev.
Such folds, ruffles and bold thingies to wear is no longer fashionable.
The freight Elevator broke down, and the passenger does not sign you. By the way, the freight Elevator broke too you.
Ruptured your fourth partner in the ballet.
You lay down in the tub and stuck...
You get on the scale and not see them.
Are you tired to raise fat puffy eyelids.
Solving the equation "weight = height – 100" you get what you the tallest man in the world.
Your clearance is decreased and the stopping distance increased.
You have nothing to flexing in front of the mirror. Rather, flexing-that is nothing but do not want to...
You can't scratch where could a couple of years ago. But there is all the time itching!
Keywords: Fat | Overweight | Obesity | Slimming | Sarcasm | Thick | Fat people | Humor