13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

Categories: Animals | Art | Nature | Photo project | World |

Hello, I am a zoo photographer, Mac So. This photo shows a Bornean orangutan father, mother, and offspring. All were taken at the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo in Hokkaido. Currently, we are unable to see them due to the facility being under renovation. However, at the end of May, you will be able to meet them in a new facility designed with environmental enrichment in mind.

More info: Facebook


13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#1 Father's Face

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#2 Father

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#3 Thoughtful Look

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#4 Distant Look

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#5 Surprised Look

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#6 Baby Face

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#7 Shy Boy

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#8 Mother's Face

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#9 Mother And Baby

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#10 Tongue

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#11 Baby

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#12 Father's Face

13 New Photos Of Majestic Animals I Took At The Zoo

#13 Mother And Baby

Keywords: Photos | Animals | Majestic animals | Zoo | Zoo photography | Zoo photographer

