20 pictures that were taken at the right time
These people are not planning to become an Internet celebrity, but the universe decided otherwise. And we are very grateful for this, because now we have at least 20 more reasons to smile on this gloomy day.
Even the Seagull posing better than you.
Behind the scenes, obviously, "mother of the year"...
The right angle works wonders.
A second before.
Man is a snowman.
Someone's going to be very painful...
Without this girl's photo would be pretty boring.
And he loved it!
This is so?
Excellent ride.
"Well, I lost another friend"
Well, you understand who's boss?
The sudden attack.
Best selfie!
Where should we go?
The answer to all my fashionistas with their photos on the circle-a Flamingo.
Without it the photo would not be the same.
The best photo from prom.
Keywords: Funny | Moments | Compilation | Photos | Photomoment | Pictures | Humor