Pigeons cyborgs

Categories: Animals |

In 1903, the inventor Julius Neubronner decided on an unprecedented experiment to combine the dove and the photographic camera. To do this, the innovator equips birds of automatic camera. Reducing the size of the camera, Julius puts them on pigeon chest. Despite maximally lightweight design of the apparatus, the birds could not fly at a height above 100 metres. Pneumatic system was allowed to make the pictures clear, offsetting the fluttering dove body in flight. Five years after the invention of Neubronner received a patent "Method and means for photographing the landscape from above." The greatest recognition of the inventor has made in 1909, during the International exhibition in Dresden. Visitors were able to experience firsthand how pigeons cyborgs come with cameras on the chest to the inventor, the negatives were immediately apparent, was printed and then sold.

Pigeons cyborgs

Pigeons cyborgs

Pigeons cyborgs Julius Neubronner (1903)

Pigeons cyborgs

Veteran innovative photography — pigeon, Frankie, has made about forty departures (1907)

Pigeons cyborgs

Depicted landscapes from the height of bird flight

Pigeons cyborgs

Advanced shooting (1908)

Pigeons cyborgs

Inventor Julius Neubronner takes clocked pigeon camera (1909)

Keywords: Animals | Files | Camera | Aerial photography | 20th century | Pigeon

