
The battle of the friends of Verus and Priscus: how was the only gladiator fight described in detail in history


The battle of the friends of Verus and Priscus: how was the ...

The fight of the gladiators Verus and Priscus is considered the most famous gladiator performance in history and the only fight ...

the 10 most protected places in the world


the 10 most protected places in the world

Military bases, libraries, secret vaults, and even a parking lot. There are places that are more heavily guarded than the White ...

Rats, mines, tuberculosis and other unpredictable things related to each other


Rats, mines, tuberculosis and other unpredictable things ...

What do dogs and Velcro have in common? And between painting and nuclear weapons? If you say nothing, you will be very mistaken. In ...

The Muse of the Belle Epoque: the inimitable Cleo de Merode


The Muse of the Belle Epoque: the inimitable Cleo de Merode

The end of the XIX century in France was the beginning of a Beautiful era — the time of aesthetics and elegance. Beautiful women, ...

30 stunningly beautiful places on Earth


30 stunningly beautiful places on Earth

Thanks to the Internet, we can travel from one country to another, from one time of the year to another and enjoy the beauty of ...

18 movie stars, which are replaced in the middle of shooting


18 movie stars, which are replaced in the middle of shooting

When, during the filming of something going wrong, producers and Directors have to make tough decisions in order to adapt to ...

What happens to your body after one sports: 6 great effects


What happens to your body after one sports: 6 great effects

If you are still in doubt whether to go to the gym, I advise you to read the material below. In it we are told in detail what ...

From the old to the new: 30 cases in skilled hands transformed things


From the old to the new: 30 cases in skilled hands ...

People consume more and more things. Now, even phones without a removable battery, because either, the device will die before the ...

6 dangerous cosmetics of the past, from which women died painfully


6 dangerous cosmetics of the past, from which women died ...

Though beauty previous eras did not have access to plastic surgery, they risked not less than our contemporaries. Indeed, in the ...

Salvador Dali's Cookbook with non-child illustrations


Salvador Dali's Cookbook with non-child illustrations

When we hear the name of Salvador Dali, the image of melting clocks and surreal canvases usually comes to mind. However, Dali was ...

The magic of dancing with the metropolis: a magnificent series of photos of gymnasts and dancers from Dimitri Rulland


The magic of dancing with the metropolis: a magnificent ...

Dimitri Roulland is a young and talented French photographer who regularly pleases fans of his work with new projects. Recently, a ...

10 film Directors who continued the work of Hieronymus Bosch


10 film Directors who continued the work of Hieronymus Bosch

Among modern filmmakers, you can find a lot of fans of Caravaggio, Goya or Rembrandt. However, none of the painters did not affect ...

10 rules of etiquette that can confuse us in other countries


10 rules of etiquette that can confuse us in other countries

Rules of conduct and etiquette are a rather confusing science, to say the least. It's one thing to know which fork is intended for ...

30 rare things that people accidentally found and were completely delighted with


30 rare things that people accidentally found and were ...

Life is full of surprises! Of course, this phrase often sounds metaphorical, but now we are saying it absolutely literally. On any ...

10 most suitable plants for growing in hanging pots


10 most suitable plants for growing in hanging pots

Hanging pots are so good that they allow you to plant fragrant flower beds even in places where there is very little space. By ...

22 incredibly beautiful cakes, for which you can completely forget about calories


22 incredibly beautiful cakes, for which you can completely ...

The guys from Reddit demonstrate incredible skills in "cake making", showing off their culinary masterpieces that not all pros can ...

Baku master Faig Ahmed and his magic carpets


Baku master Faig Ahmed and his magic carpets

Faig Ahmed distorts the patterns of traditional Azerbaijani carpets, "dismantling" their structure in order to build eye-deceiving ...

25 incredible photos before and after the hairstyle change


25 incredible photos before and after the hairstyle change

When you want to change something, but you don't know what, you can start with a hairstyle. There are a lot of options: long hair ...

The Skoptsov Sect: how the Castrati became one of the most influential religious communities in Russia


The Skoptsov Sect: how the Castrati became one of the most ...

There are many ways to draw a person into a sect and then keep them in it. But they all have a common trait — they promise ...

David Lozano's Toothy Monsters Inscribed in Abandoned Interiors


David Lozano's Toothy Monsters Inscribed in Abandoned Interiors

Spanish street artist David Lozano uses the gray and lifeless walls of abandoned buildings as a canvas for his graffiti, on which ...

The story of Princess Karabu, who was able to fool the whole of Britain


The story of Princess Karabu, who was able to fool the whole ...

The girl looked tired and ill. The poor cobbler saw her walking along the road near Bristol. He wouldn't have paid much attention ...

Why Jacqueline Kennedy was considered beautiful


Why Jacqueline Kennedy was considered beautiful

Jacqueline Kennedy is one of those women about whom no one will say – she is ordinary. Many believe that Jacqueline was a ...

27 sexiest selfies of flight attendants from around the world


27 sexiest selfies of flight attendants from around the world

From the very first days of commercial aviation, attractive girls and boys were especially appreciated as stewards. And, as follows ...

The Golden Bridge in Da Nang is a place in Vietnam that everyone needs to see


The Golden Bridge in Da Nang is a place in Vietnam that ...

Vietnam is a country with a huge tourist potential, where there is everything that vacationers and curious travelers need. ...

Georgios Tsolis and fantastic life fantastic women


Georgios Tsolis and fantastic life fantastic women

Same artist, all the pictures which I want to take away at the Wallpaper for the system. Then the feeling that life is good!

12 restaurants where you will not have time to eat


12 restaurants where you will not have time to eat

There are so many amazing places in the world that you should visit at least once in your life! And no less dishes that you want to ...