Este hombre diseñó el hogar perfecto para sus gatos
Probablemente, la mayoría de los dueños de gatos alguna vez soñaron con construir una casa para su gato, pero no así. Peter, el fundador de la organización ZenByCat y el constructor de este maravilloso paraíso gatuno que estamos a punto de mostrarte, poco a poco cumplió el sueño de su vida: vivir en armonía, rodeado de adorables y perfectamente felices peludos rescatados.
¿Cuántos gatos, preguntas? Más de veinte. Pero nada, la casa de Peter fue creada para esto. Literalmente. Así que desplácese hacia abajo y eche un vistazo a catopia, el Shangri-La de las casas para gatos, excepto que esta realmente existe.
1. Here is Peter, the founder of Nekko House.
2. No one could have thought that he would turn his house into a catopia (cat's utopia), but he did it.
3. Peter, who bought the house in 1988, designed it to meet all the needs of his cats.
4. It has platforms specially made for cats to roam.
5. There are plenty of plants and places to feed, so they feel like kings and queens of the jungle.
6. Separate feeding areas ensure they never fight over food.
7. It even has spiral staircases leading to floors that only cats can access.
8. Even the bathroom is decorated according to the needs of the cat.
9. There are even some plant-themed rooms to make them feel like being outdoors.
10. There are many high places in the house that cats love.
11. Of course, there are scratching posts and beds.
12. In total, more than 20 rescued domestic cats live with Peter.
13. Cats are well cared for. As if that wasn't enough, they even have their own pillows and blankets.
14. Peter's workstation just screams: "I love cats."
Palabras clave: Hogar perfecto | Gatos | Refugio | Animales | Mascotas | Diseño | Organización | Armonía