Hi! My name is Matilde (aka Lavorettilibrosi) and here are some of my miniature suitcases (scale 1:12) inspired by book characters that I love. I work hard on the details of my miniatures and I really enjoy making them.
#1 Luna Lovegood's Suitcase
#2 Alice's Suitcase
#3 Harry Potter's Suitcase
#4 Wednesday's Suitcase
#5 Hercule Poirot's Suitcase
#6 Arthur Dent's Suitcase
#7 Elizabeth Bennet's Suitcase
#8 Snow White's Suitcase
#9 Gian Burrasca's Suitcase
The main character of a famous Italian children's book, "Il Giornalino Di Gian Burrasca"