What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Categories: Celebrities | Culture

Tomorrow in the Russian box office starts the film "Rogue One", which opens a series of spin-offs "Star Wars: Anthology". The lucky ones who have already managed to watch the film claim that it is something amazing.

"Anthology" will present us with a galaxy far, far away, as we do not know it. New heroes, races, planets and, of course, unexplored facets of the mysterious matter called Force.

If you are familiar with the "Star Wars" universe only from the films of George Lucas, then you do not know a tenth of what those illuminated by the Force are capable of. Their power truly has no limits. Learn how to use Force before going to the cinema.

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What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Source: The Richest

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About


Force-sensitive people are able to create unlimited copies of their own, which know neither fear nor pain. The Jedi controls them telepathically and can be located kilometers away from the battle site. Moreover, you can multiply any object, for example, for disguise. The Doppelganger was used, for example, by Count Dooku and Luke Skywalker.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Combat Meditation

Plunging into meditation, a Jedi or a Sith immensely expands his perception. In this state, he feels each participant of the battle, his feelings and intentions. Fighters who fight on the side of the meditator experience a surge of energy and act in concert. In the ranks of the enemies, meditation sows panic, confusion and distrust of their comrades. Jedi, of course, prefer to feed supporters, Sith — manipulate enemies.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Combat Fusion

Combat fusion, unlike Combat Meditation, affects only Force-sensitive creatures and is used exclusively by supporters of the light side. Jedi, fighting shoulder to shoulder, can combine their minds to strengthen coordination and concentration. Obi-Wan Kenobi once warned that Combat Fusion is a risky venture, so there must be a skilled Jedi master among the participants.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Manipulation of midi-chlorians

Midi—chlorians are microorganisms that live in cells and serve as intermediaries between intelligent beings and the Force. "Without midi-Chlorians, life cannot exist and we would never know what Power is. They continuously communicate with us, pointing the way. When you learn to tame your mind, you will definitely hear what they say," Qui—Gon Jinn told Anakin Skywalker. Only the most powerful Sith are endowed with the ability to control the voice of alien midi-Chlorians. This is how Chancellor Palpatine drew Anakin to the dark side of the Force.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Torture of memories

One of the most cruel and inhumane ways of using Force is the torture of memories. Of course, only the Sith resort to it. The victim is forced to relive the worst moments of his life over and over again. Moreover, such sessions increase the mental abilities of the unfortunate for a while. Therefore, the Sith torture their soldiers with memories from time to time.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

The Spear of Midnight Darkness and Kinetit

Adherents of the dark side of the Force can attack even when disarmed. They are able to gather clumps of dark energy around themselves, materializing a spear — a disposable weapon that disappears regardless of whether it has pierced into the flesh or not. The Kinetite technique is much more powerful. This is a variation of the lightning Force with the difference that the formed energy sphere does not fight the enemy with electricity, but is a solid projectile. It is known for certain that Darth Vader used Kinetit against Luke Skywalker on the planet Mimbana.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Camouflage of Power

A very rare ability to manipulate light and sound waves to achieve invisibility to the naked eye. This procedure is extremely complex and requires extreme concentration. Members of the Jedi Order used Force Camouflage in ancient times, but after the formation of the Empire, they practically stopped. By and large, the art of self—concealment can appear on the screen only if the screenwriters include in the script the Supporters of darkness - the adherents of the mystical sect from the Outer Ring.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About

Weapons of Power

Anyone who has learned the Power can saturate anything with it, up to an ordinary stick, and use it in battle. Enhanced weapons block lightsaber strikes. Most of those who use this ability are not members of the Jedi Order and come from cultures whose traditions of the Force can be considered primitive. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, Starkiller, a secret disciple of Darth Vader, charged his sword with a lightning bolt of Force and a thrust of Force, which made his attacks unpredictable.

What the Force is capable of. Jedi Techniques You Didn't Know About


Pain can become the worst enemy or the main ally. Mastery of the Crucitorn technique allows a Jedi to relieve unbearable physical pain by focusing on other sensations. Or to increase the pain of the enemy and, perhaps, make old wounds bleed. The Jedi Master Iit Kot (pictured) was able to redirect his own pain into the enemy's body.

Keywords: Darth Vader | Star Wars | Comics

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