Unexpected facts about dolphins

Unexpected facts about dolphins

Categories: Animals | Children | Nature | Photo project | World

Dolphins are quite intelligent animals of the underwater world, which are loved by children and adults all over the planet. Legends of the kindness of dolphins reach fantastic examples, but is everything so smooth in the idealized behavior of these animals?


Unexpected facts about dolphins

1. Stories about how dolphins saved drowning people excite the mind, but these heartbreaking facts have not been confirmed to this day, but there are enough facts about the fact that dolphins killed and injured people.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

2. Dolphins kill each other.

Studying the corpses of animals, scientists stumbled upon bites and carapaces on their bodies. After conducting several studies, scientists found that this kind of wound could only be left by relatives of dead animals.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

3. Dolphins attack people.

The fact remains that dolphins are capable of attacking and injuring people. There have been cases when dolphins have bitten people, thereby inflicting on them both completely non-fatal and more serious injuries, up to and including death. Also, dolphins often attack divers. This behavior of marine animals is argued by the fact that they see a competitor in the hunt for prey in humans, but who knows...

Unexpected facts about dolphins

4. Dolphins don't save people.

Do not expect conscious help from dolphins. Often, having foreseen a person, dolphins do not understand that they are in fact in trouble and swim up out of pure interest, sometimes even allowing them to grab their necks. It should be understood that all stories about saving people by dolphins after a shipwreck are just stories.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

5. And from sharks too.

The real reason why sharks dislike dolphins is that a pod of dolphins circling around a drowning or injured swimmer scares off marine predators. However, it is impossible to call it conscious help, again.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

6. Dolphins show sexual aggression.

The sexual properties of these marine animals can be called quite similar to human intimate beliefs. They can show sexual interest not only in their own kind, but also in other animals of the marine world, and even people. Of course, a dolphin is not capable of raping a person, but inflicting injuries during intimate games is easy!

Unexpected facts about dolphins

7. Dolphins kill their babies.

As horrible as it sounds, it's true. And this fact is confirmed and even explained. The thing is that after the birth of a baby, females completely take care of their baby and cease to be sexually active, however, if the dolphin children die for any reason, then the female resumes her sexual interest. This, unfortunately, is readily used by male dolphins ...

Unexpected facts about dolphins

8. Dolphins can't smile.

Although dolphins are capable of experiencing various emotions, such as joy or sadness, they do not know how to smile. Such a myth has developed due to the peculiarities of the shape of the jaw of a dolphin, because of which it seems that he is constantly smiling. In fact, a dolphin attacking a person will “smile” just as cutely as the one that entertains children in a dolphinarium.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

9. Dolphins are not smart animals.

Many scientists around the world are convinced that it is not necessary to idealize dolphins in such a way. Yes, they can communicate using sounds at different frequencies, they can recognize and remember each other, and they can also be trained. However, dolphins are no smarter than fur seals and seals.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

10. In captivity, these marine animals are well trained in various skills and tricks, and also willingly interact with children and adults, but the mind and abilities of dolphins cannot be called outstanding, because they still cannot solve complex logical problems and do some than conclusions.

Unexpected facts about dolphins

11. There are many types of dolphins in the world. And like people, some of them can be quite friendly, and some are aggressive and dangerous to humans. That is why it is possible to speak about the features of these, like any other animals, only approximately.

Keywords: Dolphins | Facts | Interesting facts | Intelligent animals | Kindness | Children | Fun animals

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