The secret of levitation of street yogis
Categories: Europe
By Pictolic Nardin writes: "Walking through the busy tourist streets in Rome, I very often met levitating street types.
Absolutely all the girlfriends with whom I saw these street performers did not know how everything worked, and I was surprised by this. Did you guess? If not, then go under the cat, I have painted everything in detail there and drew a visual illustration."
They work three in a team (or five, if two are involved at once), since it is difficult for one to sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time without moving. Yes, and you need to guard, and then you never know who will want to push.
Judging by the reaction of some people, they really believe in the supernatural abilities of these tricksters. For example, a man in the background tried to understand himself and explain to his wife that this is not magic.
The whole team is in the photo: the first yogi, who has just replaced his partner, the looking guard and the sandals of the second yogi.
This is how a change of partner happens so that no one understands the essence of magic. It lasts about 10-15 minutes, since first one needs to get out of this structure, and then the other has to change it.
This is what a yogi looks like before reincarnation.
But some people think that he is sitting right on a stick, right here.
The secret of levitation is very simple. This is a one-piece structure, with a support platform under the mat, which should hold a person, then there is a leg-staff passing through the sleeve, connecting to the second stand-seat, on which the fake yogi is sitting. Spacious clothes hide all this. I want to assume that it is very difficult to sit without moving on such a structure for a long time. In the photo I drew a visual illustration.
Keywords: Italy | Yoga | Levitation | Rome | Secret | Tourists
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