The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

Categories: Asia | Food and Drinks

About the biggest on the planet, bread was known in 2018, once on the Brightside website devoted to entertainment, was published photo of the huge loaves from the Vietnamese province of an Giang (An Giang). This unusual product has attracted interest from Internet users, although the majority did not believe in the veracity of the information.

The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

The author of the post about the unusual dishes of the world was accused of credulity or photoshop. This is not surprising, because to believe that somewhere not bake for a record, but simply on the sale of bread of this size is very difficult. But the information from Brightside was completely reliable and was able to verify after a number of reports in Vietnamese media.

The length of each giant rolls about a meter and a weight of 3 kg. In the sale of this bread comes in big plastic bags and its price — 50 thousand VND, or about 150 Russian rubles. Amazing in appearance, the bread is wonderful and the taste — when baking booth smeared with butter and thickly sprinkle with sesame seeds.The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

Many tourists, after seeing this bread, I believe that this is a traditional dish of the province of an Giang, but it is not. Bread giant appeared relatively recently thanks to the local Baker FAM Tehi Tank. That woman invented an unusual pastries, which now claims the title of unofficial symbol of the whole region of the country.

The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

First FAM Tehi Tank never thought of baking this bread on sale and made it for friends and family after work and on weekends. But about the original baking soon learned of other people who also liked the taste of the product and its original presentation. Today the bakery giant is a serious business, bringing the hostess a solid income.The biggest bread in the world baked in Vietnam

Over time, the number of consumers of bread FAM Tehi Tank expanded even more and today, some tourists specially come to the province of an Giang to buy her offspring. Of course, before you try to eat this bread, photographed with him for social networks and easy on memory. So if you want Vietnamese culinary Exotica, but not ready to eat insects or molluscs, you can always get positive emotions and spectacular images in the bakery Pham Tehi Tank.

Keywords: Vietnam | Vietnamese | Cuisine | Tourism | Bread | Exotic

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