Legs 108 centimeters long: fitness beauty Iya Ostergren fell in love with her figure the whole world
Categories: Beauty | Habit | Healthy lifestyle | Lifestyle | People | Photo project | Society | Sport | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/legs-108-centimeters-long-fitness-beauty-iya-ostergren-fell-in-love-with-her-figure-the-whole-world.htmlThe girl with the longest legs got out of depression and achieved noticeable results in sculpting her body. She went from being an ugly duckling to being the co-founder of Ia Ostergren Fitness and has released several fitness programs to help people build a body as strong as hers.
1. Childhood
Iya Ostergren is a model and fitness instructor. She was born on August 14, 1983, in Sweden. Long legs "from the ears" at first became the cause of ridicule from classmates. Although the girl, apart from her long legs, was no different from her peers, the children still teased her for this feature. Then Iya decided that she would never judge people by their appearance, and would not condemn those who did not fit into the general standards.
2. Depression
Due to frequent bullying at school, Ia Ostergren began to develop depression. The jokes classmates were cruel, she was called “giraffe”, “stick” and more offensive nicknames. The girl grew up, with and chronic depression did not want to let her go. To get out of the state of apathy, the Swedish beauty decided to work on herself and improve what nature gave her.
3. Change for the better
Eeyore began to do a lot of sports. She studied nutrition and training programs and chose the right one for herself. The girl began with light exercises, gradually increasing the load. After six months of training, Eeyore fell in love with her body and was pleased with the results. She says that every person is beautiful, it's just that sometimes you have to make an effort to see it. The decision to go in for sports radically changed the girl's life.
4. The decision to become a model
Ostergren's height is 178 cm and her legs are 108 cm long. She started professional fitness in 2013. Since 2014, photos of the Swede have appeared on the popular social network on her personal page. There, the girl began to regularly publish photographs in which the process of forming the ideal female body was easily tracked. Users became interested in the transformation, and in a few weeks, the model had more than 200 thousand subscribers.
5. Russian-speaking fans
The Swedish model has become a favorite among Russian users. Noticing this, Iya began to signposts on the social network with hashtags in Russian. Most users admire Ostergren's long legs. But there are those who do not understand how disproportionately long legs can be considered beautiful and attractive for a relatively small body.
6. Fitness
Fitness helped the girl achieve a delightful athletic figure. The girl's weight increased due to muscle mass. Her waist has become thinner, and her hips and buttocks have become more rounded. Thanks to intense training, the figure of the model began to resemble an "hourglass" with endless legs.
7. Personal life
Iya Ostergren is married and has two children. In 2014, the Swede met her lover, bodybuilder Torbjorn Östergren, on social networks. He was smitten with Ii's unusual appearance. For a long time, she could not believe that the guy liked her strong character. The novel developed rapidly, and soon the couple got married.
8. Recovery after childbirth
Two pregnancies did not become a reason to abandon the business. Eeyore continued to study, only less intensively. Also, the model did not cease to please subscribers and regularly posted pictures of a happy period of her life. After giving birth, the Swede restored her figure in record time.
9. Iya Ostergren now
Now Ia Ostergren on his page on the social network gives advice on nutrition and keeping fit. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers are enthusiastically watching the life and career of the Swedish model.
Keywords: Fitness | Fitness beauty | Beautiful bodies | Beautiful legs | Models | Fit body | Beauty
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