How the richest Romanian witches live

How the richest Romanian witches live

Categories: Europe

Photographer from Slovakia's Lucia Sekercova traveled to Romania to meet Maria Campina, the self—proclaimed queen of fortune tellers, whom locals simply call "witches". These women (usually Romanian gypsies) supposedly can see the future and read it from the palm of their hand, from wheat grains or from the stars. Lucia met Maria and spent some time with her, photographing witches, their homes, everyday life and craft passed down from generation to generation since time immemorial.

How the richest Romanian witches live

How the richest Romanian witches live

"When I found these women, they didn't really want me to photograph them. Some asked for money for it. Prices ranged from 20 to 50 euros per photo shoot. I told them I was photographing them for a Slovak newspaper." In the photo: gold is an integral part of Romanian culture, especially for the witch queen Maria Campina.

How the richest Romanian witches live

"After several days of searching and bidding, I finally met Maria Campina — the self—proclaimed queen of witches - and made a deal with her. In order to be able to photograph her and her acquaintances, I had to promise that the newspaper I worked for would publish a full story about her, as well as provide her with the front page. Maria's photo eventually appeared on the cover of the weekly Slovak newspaper SME". In the photo: Maria Campina on her luxurious gold sofa.

How the richest Romanian witches live

"I tested their abilities. All the predictions were different — some positive, some negative. They were all short and too general. I was predicted that I would get married and give birth to the first of three children within a year, but this did not happen. Fortunately, the prediction that a person close to me will die soon did not come true either." In the photo: these white and gold chairs belong to a witch named Sultana.

How the richest Romanian witches live

"In this community, men usually support families. Whether they earn by honest work or not is another matter. Fortune telling and fortune telling is an ancient craft and the only one that women are allowed to do here. It is also the only way for the women here to gain respect and success. Girls go to school until they are 18, but their mothers, aunts and grandmothers teach them witchcraft. Every girl decides for herself whether this is the right thing to do or not, because they often have to deceive customers." In the photo: the houses here are trying to furnish as lavishly as possible, decorating the interiors with golden chairs or huge televisions. This is the house of a witch named Amalia, who was teaching her niece witchcraft at the time of the photo shoot.

How the richest Romanian witches live

"I photographed some of the richest and most respected witches. These women have managed to achieve the incredible: they have created a modern business with the help of ancient rituals originating in their ethnic past. Their customs are the same as a century ago. Only the perception of their profession by others has changed." In the photo: Selena is in the process of learning magic, she is preparing to become a witch. Now she is in high school, and her aunt Amalia teaches her magic."

How the richest Romanian witches live

This furniture belongs to the witch Maria Campina, who claims to be able to talk to the dead.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Sometimes witches light candles to "open their inner eye" before casting a spell or looking into the future.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Loventa told the photographer that she could see the grief behind her smile. She also predicted that this grief would become even stronger after one of her loved ones died.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Athena realized that the photographer did not believe in her strength and in God. She said that Lucia would not be happy until she believed in the Lord.

How the richest Romanian witches live

This staircase is located in the house of a witch named Athena, who believes that dreams about her late grandmother lead her through life.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Sunita told the photographer that an important moment was coming in her life and that she should take care of her health.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Potions are an essential part of witchcraft culture.

How the richest Romanian witches live

The witch Ivana Sidonia informed Lucia that her ex wanted her back and that someone close to her would die soon.

How the richest Romanian witches live

Crystal balls are an invariable attribute for predicting the future.

Keywords: Life | Witch | Romania | Photographer

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