How pizza delivery service works

How pizza delivery service works

Categories: Food and Drinks

Alexander Khitrov, a photoblogger from Vladivostok, says: “Probably each of you made pizza for yourself. With my own hand, at home ... square (due to the shape of the baking sheet). Well, of course, many made round pizzas, as you like and want. It's a matter of taste here. Now it’s easier to just take and order a ready-made hot product at home. And they will deliver it within one hour. The time depends on the number of orders, traffic jams, etc. Every company is different here. Yes, and the price will come out, well, about the same. But you don't have to wash the dishes! And this is already a weighty argument in favor of custom-made pizza, isn't it?! Just imagine: a dirty kitchen table, a lot of time wasted preparing food, cutting, then we wait until it is baked, constantly running and checking the color of the dough (and it will burn one way or another - after all, the Internet is such a thing ... They will still run from the kitchen to the computer !! !), and then, of course, to wash the dishes and clean up after themselves. Instead of an hour spent waiting for an order, we will spend ... I won’t even say how much. But, we have the 21st century in the yard, the age of the Internet, the age of universal laziness and transience. You need to do everything, do everything, everything, everything, everything ... You need to like all the photos, you need to unsubscribe a couple of posts, answer a hundred comments, poke the news - in general, modern business times, where everyone is very busy to cook their own food. Delivery of pizza, rolls, food, and everything, everything, everything… Very convenient, very practical!!! And not very expensive! And very tasty!)))

So. Pizza delivery service. How?! What?! Where?! Where?! Why?! I'm going to write about this as well!

(Caution! Profanity!)

(Total 29 photos)

How pizza delivery service works Source: Zhzhurnal / alexhitrov

How pizza delivery service works

1. An inconspicuous brick building on an inconspicuous brick street.

Small metal door. Corridor. Another door. And there - and what is there ?! And then there's the pizzeria. Why in quotes!? Because here pizza is prepared in order to deliver it to apartments, offices, offices, you can even order it on ice. The fishermen also want to eat, not only drink ... And this is an idea, by the way! Vodka with delivery on ice! It is necessary to remember) So, you make a call: - “Pizza ordering service, hello!” “Girl, hello! Can I order pizza? We have a fucking booze here!!! A bunch of booze, nothing to eat! Yes, and so it is necessary to eat!!! And in the morning what would be left! Here…” — “Which pizza will you order?!” Well, and so on ...

How pizza delivery service works

2. So, the girl with big blue eyes takes the order.

How pizza delivery service works

3. Drives into the computer and through the magic WiFi the order is transferred to the next room - pizza is already in full swing in it.

How pizza delivery service works

4. The chef confirms the order by clicking on the name of the pizza. All. From now on, the guys have only one hour to cook pizza and deliver it to the customer's door!!! Just one hour! If not the courier did not meet this time, then the next time you order, the pizza gets absolutely free!!! Reminds me of American films and cartoons - there as well)

How pizza delivery service works

5. There are already molds with the dough of the desired “volume” in the refrigerator. Those. packaged. We take one cake, take it to the cooking table!)

How pizza delivery service works

6. Sprinkled with a little flour ... "Khuyayaks." A cake with dough was “thrown” into a white magic powder - flour! What did you think?!

How pizza delivery service works


How pizza delivery service works

8. Sprinkle the dough with flour on all sides ... Sprinkle, humiliate the dough ... More ... More .... Yes, that's how it goes)

How pizza delivery service works

9. Next, with simple movements of the hand and fingers, we begin to do something that, as a result, will not allow the internal “vinaigrette” to fall out of the pizza. I'm talking about these sides from the edges, which many do not like) It is they who take on all the attacks of stove heat and almost always burn. Poor things!!! Glory to the fearless sides!!!

How pizza delivery service works

10. All this is done very quickly! Remember?! We only have one hour!!! And the order can come from Tikhaya!!! Just imagine - from the First River to the Quiet River !!! And yes, you still need to cook for this time!

How pizza delivery service works

11. So, these sides are done ... Now you need to roll out the pizza base into a circle ... Wait a minute !!! What is he doing?! He throws it from hand to hand... Oops!!! Yes, she turns into a circle! Either a miracle, or a magical white powder worked ... Was it flour ?!

How pizza delivery service works

12. We move on ... Let's scoop up, but more tomato paste ... Mmmm))) Yummy ... And smear, smear, smear ...

How pizza delivery service works

13. And here is the table with the Lego constructor. Only instead of plastic - food! Take what you need, but put it in a certain order. Everything is simple!

How pizza delivery service works

14. All products were cut and prepared in advance.

How pizza delivery service works

15. But the second cook arrived in time. One more order. In total, two people work in the kitchen. And everyone succeeds!!! Everyone succeeds!

How pizza delivery service works


How pizza delivery service works

17. I shouldn't be making this post on an empty stomach... order a pizza or something?! Yes, too lazy to go for beer! (

How pizza delivery service works

18. So, having reached the end of the table, having collected this complex food puzzle, you can carry the pizza to the oven!!! "Wahahahah!!! Bake it!!!"

How pizza delivery service works

19. And work in the kitchen is never worth it! While one chef is preparing the pizza, the other is either washing the dishes or cutting the food. In general, the work is in full swing!

How pizza delivery service works

20. But back to our pizza. Here another cook is already putting, stuffing, dragging another pizza into the oven.

How pizza delivery service works

21. 250 degrees ... Any stove gives the same if there is a burner.

How pizza delivery service works

22. We are waiting ... We are watching ... We are watching ...

How pizza delivery service works

23. The pizza recipe here is special! They came up with it themselves. Many large companies tried to buy him out, but… Haha!!!

How pizza delivery service works

24. "Dzyyn" - Clicked in the head of the cook. It's time to get it. Mmm… Delicious smell… Looks appetizing!)

How pizza delivery service works

25. Next, we transfer the pizza to the "operating table". Will cut her! Ready-made boxes ... Sauces, ketchups ...

How pizza delivery service works

26. On the phone, you can also tell how many pieces to cut the pizza ... 2 slices, 4, 6.8, or all 60 slices for true lovers of canapes :-)))))))

And the courier is always waiting. He rushes into battle. He needs a pizza, a delivery address, a car and a direct road.

How pizza delivery service works

27. We pick up a piece of paper

How pizza delivery service works

28. Picking up a pizza...

How pizza delivery service works

29. And we run, run, run ... We need to deliver quickly!))))

This is where I finished! Now I'm going to eat. I was really hungry while making this post!

Keywords: Delivery | As arranged | Pizza

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