Funeral outfit

Funeral outfit

Categories: Asia | Photo project

The whole world is a theater, it is well known. The question is, what will you be wearing when the curtain comes down?

This photo project, shot in Singapore, shows people in the clothes they would like to attend their own funeral. At the same time, they also try to explain their choice. The idea of such a strange project is very simple and clear: to help people talk about death openly and without fear.

Funeral outfit

Funeral outfit

1. Lam Chin Shin and Ko Go Eng - Traditional Chinese costume, the emperor's costume.

Funeral outfit

2. Fu Piao Lin (died August 1, 2011) in a Chinese dress. Madame Fu joined the project to help people talk about death openly. She died of cancer at the age of 46.

Funeral outfit

3. Low Mui Lan - Salvation Army Uniform.

Funeral outfit

4. Yuen Tat Yee - Nothing. Nudity is the true nature of man.

Funeral outfit

5. Marla Bendini - Sequined dress and disco balls. The disco ball is a good symbol of my love for life. The party never ends!

Funeral outfit

6. Moses Lew - Walking clothes and photo equipment.

Funeral outfit

7. Kenny Pin is a favorite leather jacket and guitar that once belonged to a post-rock band from Singapore called In Each Hand A Cutlass.

Funeral outfit

8. Shannen Khai - Mermaid Costume.

Funeral outfit

9. Michael Ho - Wetsuit.

Funeral outfit

10. Viyavarengan Vissvalingam is Liverpool FC's favorite T-shirt.

Funeral outfit

11. Marcus Tan - Custom-made clown costume.

Funeral outfit

12. Jack Sim - Business suit and toilet seat.

Keywords: Coffin | Funeral | Singapore

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