The incredible beauty of venomous snakes in Mark Light's photo project
Categories: Animals | Nature | Photo project
By Pictolic Mark Laita decided to capture the beauty of snakes for his book "Serpentine". It is a collection of pictures of brightly lit snakes on a black background. While working on the book, the photographer captured the moment of the bite of a deadly snake in his own leg.
Mark Laita was born in Detroit in 1960. His parents are from Lithuania. I took up photography at the age of 10. Today he is a famous photographer based in Los Angeles. His photographs were used for advertising campaigns by brands such as Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, Apple, BMW, Visa.
1. Rattlesnake
2. The King Cobra
3. Mark and the black mamba are one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet.
4. Wood rattlesnake
5. Red-tailed boa constrictor
6. Blue Malay coral Asp
7. Vogel's Kufiya
8. Brazilian Rainbow boa constrictor
9. Black Mexican Royal Snake
10. The King Cobra
11. Green tree boa constrictor (Dog-headed boa constrictor) with offspring
12. Urutu
13. Texas Albino Rattlesnake
14. The Rhinoceros viper
15. Green Grape snake
16. Chinese mountain viper
17. Eastern brown snake
18. Holbrook's Royal Snake
19. Albino Royal Python
20. California boa constrictor
21. Coral asp
22. Philippine rattlesnake
23. Continental Taipan
24. Mussurana
25. Mangshan viper
26. Bolanger Rhinoceros runner
27. Honduran milk snake
28. Ceylon palm viper
29. Green Mamba
30. Black Pakistani Cobra
Keywords: Snakes | Cobras | Reptiles | Photographer | Poison
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