China executes billionaire Liu Han

China executes billionaire Liu Han

Categories: Asia

China executed billionaire Liu Han, who was found guilty under 13 articles of the Chinese Criminal Code. This execution was another proof that in China everyone is equal before the law. Well, almost everything.

China executes billionaire Liu Han

China executes billionaire Liu Han

According to the South China Morning Post, Liu Han was sentenced in May last year. He was found guilty under 13 articles of the criminal code.

China executes billionaire Liu Han

The investigation found that one of the richest residents of China secretly headed a large criminal group engaged in murders, illegal casinos and arms trafficking.

China executes billionaire Liu Han

Hanlong Group, which Liu Han founded in 1997 and built into one of the world's largest iron ore suppliers, was simultaneously fined 300 million yuan (3.1 billion rubles) for providing incorrect information to obtain bank loans.

Together with Liu Han, four people from his inner circle were also executed.

China executes billionaire Liu Han

According to Hong Kong journalists, Liu Han was closely connected with the former head of the state security of China, Zhou Yongkang, which allowed him to avoid responsibility for a long time. In December last year, Zhou Yongkan was removed from office and stripped of his party card. It is expected that he will soon be charged with corruption. According to the investigation, the ex-head of state security took bribes and promoted his relatives and friends to high positions.

Keywords: Law | Execution | China | Billionaire | Court

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