Actress Vera Glagoleva died

Actress Vera Glagoleva died

Categories: Celebrities

Today, the famous Russian actress Vera Glagoleva died in the USA at the age of 62. This information was confirmed by Glagoleva's close friend Larisa Guzeeva. Apparently, the cause of death was cancer, from which the artist suffered in recent years.

(3 photos in total)

Actress Vera Glagoleva died

Despite the fact that Glagoleva's eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova repeatedly denied information about her mother's serious illness, the media continued to write that the actress was fighting cancer. It was reported that Russian doctors could not help her and Glagoleva left for treatment in the United States. According to <url>, in recent days the actress' condition has worsened, she had to spend a day in intensive care. Then the patient was allowed to go home, but blood transfusions were performed regularly.

Actress Vera Glagoleva died Vera Glagoleva was born in Moscow in 1956 in a family of teachers. She played her first film role in 1975, after graduating from school, in the film "To the End of the World" directed by Rodion Nakhapetov, who soon became her first husband.

Then there were works in the films "Enemies", "Don't shoot the white swans", "About You", "Poor Sasha" and others — in total, the actress has about 50 roles in her track record. In 1990, Glagoleva made her directorial debut — the film "Broken Light", in which she also played the main role.

Actress Vera Glagoleva died

Vera Vitalyevna has three daughters left. The youngest, Anastasia Shubskaya, recently married the hockey player of the Washington Capitals and the Russian national team, Alexander Ovechkin.

Keywords: Actresses | Oncology | Death | Usa | Movies

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