8 Modern War Films that You should watch

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

Categories: Cinema | Culture | History | Society | World

As a rule, on the eve of May 9, old war films are shown on all TV channels, and, let's be honest, we have known some of them by heart for a long time. Therefore, we want to offer you a selection of good modern films about the war, which you may want to watch on the eve of the great holiday.

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

"Franz + Polina" (2006)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

The feature film "Franz + Polina" tells us the love story of a German soldier and a Russian girl. In 1943, the SS unit finds a temporary shelter in one of the Belarusian villages. There, a rookie soldier, Franz, falls in love with the daughter of the hostess of the house, Pauline. Later, the unit receives an order to destroy the village, and then, in order to save his beloved, the German kills his own commander and runs with the girl into the forest.

There, the lovers are found by soldiers of the punitive battalion and, trying to hide from them, Polina and Franz join a group of refugees. People treat the couple with understanding, with the exception of one young man - a boy named Kazik saw how the Germans killed his family and now at all costs wants to take revenge on one of the Fritz.

The film has received many awards and positive reviews from critics. We are sure that this touching story will melt the heart of even the harshest viewer.

"The Boy in Striped pajamas" (2008)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

This is one of the films in our collection that will make you cry. The drama "The Boy in striped pajamas" tells us the story of friendship between the eight-year-old son of the concentration camp commandant Bruno and a Jewish boy named Shmuel, whom they accidentally meet near the fence.

The German boy does not understand and does not even guess what is happening behind the iron fence. But one day he will be here himself…

Mark Herman's film has earned many awards, including The British Independent Film Award and The Goya Award in the nomination "Best European Film".

"Pop" (2009)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

This film was shot with the support of the RCP, and at the same time the tape turned out to be very good. It touches on such a little-studied topic as activity Pskov Orthodox Mission during the Great Patriotic War. The action takes place in a small village in the Pskov region, where the rector of the parish, Father Alexander Ionin, is engaged in ordinary worldly affairs.

In two days, one of the most important missions will fall on his shoulders — to preserve the faith of the people during the arrival of the Germans…

This is the first feature film shot under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate and with the participation of Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia. It is only because of this that you can pay attention to this picture.

Pearl Harbor (2001)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

The military melodrama "Pearl Harbor", as a rule, needs no introduction. This cult film directed by Michael Bay immediately after its release won the hearts of millions of viewers from all over the world.

The film touches on the theme of a love triangle between the main characters and describes the events of December 7, 1941, when an attack was made on the American military base Pearl Harbor.

"Red sky. Black Snow" (2003)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

"Red sky. Black Snow" is a very confusing but fascinating story about German prisoners of war who are forced to work at one of the Ural factories. The head of the factory of Watchmen shamelessly cashes in at the expense of money "saved" on the nutrition of workers. But his tricks are noticed by the director of another company, where the Germans are periodically singled out — Zinovy Saltzman. Now Vakhterov's main goal is to get rid of a colleague who knows about his abuses.

The plot of the film "Red Sky. Black Snow" is twisted so that you will not have time to get bored even for a second. A nice bonus will be a stellar cast. Peter Semak, Elena Panova, Igor Sklyar and Alexander Pankratov-Cherny played in the tape.

"The Pianist" (2002)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

The main role in the film "The Pianist" was played by an unsurpassed Adrian Brody. His hero is a man named Vladek, a talented musician from Poland. Before the arrival of the Nazis, he was engaged in art, but then, along with the rest of the Jews, he ends up in the Warsaw ghetto, where all residents are humiliated, forbidden to work and forced to wear distinctive armbands.

Vladek was supposed to be sent to a concentration camp, but at the last moment he manages to escape. Now the man is forced to hide, hide, hope for the help of loved ones and be afraid of all outsiders.

The film is based on the autobiography of one of the best pianists of Poland in the 30s, Vladislav Shpilman. The film was awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002 and three Academy Awards.

"Schindler's List" (1993)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

Although this film cannot be called the newest and most modern, we simply could not ignore it. The historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg tells the story of a German businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved more than a thousand Polish Jews from death during the Holocaust.

The film is based on real events and was released thanks to one of the Jews saved by Schindler Poldek Pfefferberg. The man believed that he was obliged to tell the world about the man who saved his people. In 1963, he attempted to create the first biographical film, but it failed.

However, later Pfefferberg still tells the story of his salvation Thomas Keneally, and he publishes the book "Schindler's Ark". It was this work that formed the basis of the cult drama.

"Anna's War" (2018)

8 Modern War Films that You should watch

And now we want to present the most "fresh" in our rating tape called "Anna's War". The film tells the story of a girl whose parents died, and now she is left all alone in a dangerous and cruel world.

For more than two years, Anna has been hiding in a non-working fireplace until the Germans leave the village. The only thing that helps the girl survive is the memories of her deceased parents, home and warmth. We are sure that this story will touch you to the very depths of your soul.

Keywords: May 9 | Military | World War II | Victory Day | Movies

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