8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

Categories: Celebrities | Health and Medicine | Lifestyle | People | Science | Society | World

Do you know anyone with Asperger's Syndrome? Asperger's is a form of high functioning autism. Many people with autism have made tremendous contributions to the development of society. In fact, some of the world's greatest and most famous geniuses were autistic or had autistic tendencies. Here are 8 famous people with Asperger Syndrome.


8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

1. Stanley Kubrick.

Famed director Stanley was quite obsessed and had problems with people while filming films. While it sounds bad, his illness has also led to his insane attention to detail and his eventual fame as a director.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

2. Dan Aykroyd.

The Canadian actor said Asperger Syndrome helped him with Ghostbusters because he was obsessed with ghosts and law enforcement, which made him the perfect person for the role. For those of you who don't know, Asperger Syndrome can force a person to focus on a narrow range of interests.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

3. Robin Williams.

The Canadian actor said Asperger Syndrome helped him with Ghostbusters because he was obsessed with ghosts and law enforcement, which made him the perfect person for the role. For those of you who don't know, Asperger Syndrome can force a person to focus on a narrow range of interests.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

4. Abraham Lincoln.

Due to his love of routine, some psychologists have suggested that Lincoln had Asperger's disease. Of course, these traits led him to become the greatest president in US history.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

5. Courtney Love.

Legendary rocker and widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, Courtney was diagnosed with autism at age 9. Although she is hesitant to discuss its exact manifestation, the singer admitted that Asperger's syndrome has led to some level of introversion.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

6. Andy Warhol.

Due to his eccentric personality and art, it has been suggested that Andy had a form of autism, likely Asperger's Syndrome.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

7. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Despite social difficulties, he was a child prodigy and wrote his first music at the age of 5. As you can see again, the interesting and unique way of thinking people with Asperger's leads to some of the greatest achievements of humanity.

8 famous people with Asperger's Syndrome

8. Bill Gates.

While this has not been confirmed, some observers have noted that Bill Gates may very well have Asperger's Syndrome. His rocking back and forth, his disdain for conflicting opinions indicate an autism spectrum disorder. In fact, these "amateur" observations have prompted many ordinary people with Asperger's Syndrome to see him as a hero.

Keywords: Science | Scientists | Syndrome | Illness | Facts | Famous | Celebrities | Hollywood | Geniuses | Autistic tendencies | People | Society | Autism

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