6 reasons why ancient statues have such small penises
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/6-reasons-why-ancient-statues-have-such-small-penises.htmlMany are surprised to note that the ancient statues of gods and heroes have catastrophically small penises. It seemed that the cult of a healthy body and spirit involves the popularization of impressive "devices", but this principle did not work for the ancient Greeks and Romans for some reason. The mystery of modest "masculine virtues" has long been solved and the inhabitants of the ancient Mediterranean had exactly six reasons to portray guys this way, and not otherwise.
With a high degree of probability, in the Hellenistic period of history, when almost all known sculptures were created, and this is the period from 323 BC to 31 AD, large penises did not exist in nature, and if they were, they were considered very rare.
It is believed that the ancient men "have not yet grown up"
At least, no written source of that era (and there are many of them preserved to this day) tells about men with a large "household". There is an authoritative opinion of scientists that the average length of the human penis has increased from generation to generation.
It is reliably known that it was a small, neat member in the Hellenistic period of history that was considered a sign of courage. According to the ancients, such a penis gave out in its owner a strong-willed person and a brave, determined warrior. Large members, on the contrary, were a sign of a certain animal nature, lack of will and cowardice.
Apollo Belvedere-the ideal of masculine beauty
In addition, some ancient physicians and philosophers argued that a large penis gives out a passive homosexual in its owner. Although, knowing the customs of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the significance of this information for our small study can be completely ignored.
In ancient Greece, it was quite seriously believed that a man with a short penis has a great advantage when conceiving a child. Nowadays, everyone knows that such an addiction does not exist, but what can you do — the times were long and dark. In the works of ancient scientists, there are arguments that the male seed, having passed a short path, is much more effective than something that travels a long route.
Women, wanting to give birth to healthy and beautiful people, preferred men who were more promising in the reproductive plan. A large penis was associated with low male qualities and, as a result, with infertility.
Among the inhabitants of ancient Greece, there was a stereotype that a wise and strong man in logic should have a small penis. Large members, for some reason, were considered incompatible with the mind and in this case neither education nor everyday experience, which should come with age, helped.
This is Zeus — the wisest and most respected god of Olympus
With large members, often erect, satyrs were depicted, who led an easy, idle lifestyle: they played pipes, danced, drank and engaged in promiscuous sexual relations. In the image of a serious, worthy husband, there was definitely no place for a large penis.
In ancient times, a man was valued primarily as a warrior, a defender of his kingdom, republic or city. Big biceps and muscular torsos gave out in a man a fighter who did not waste time in vain and improved physically. The sexual organ did not participate in the assessment of fighting qualities, so its size was not given much importance.
The legendary Hercules, as you can see, is not massive everywhere
The guy has it, well, okay — the main thing is that the back is wider, and the chest is a wheel! Ancient sculptors did not focus on this detail, depicting the heroes and inhabitants of Olympus.
Ancient sculptors, creating their immortal masterpieces, were guided by strict canons of balance, balance and proportions. Their knowledge formed the basis of the principle of the golden ratio, used by the geniuses of Renaissance art. "David" by Michelangelo, created at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, although it was not an antique statue, but, according to experts, it met all the ancient canons.
Michelangelo's David also does not shine with dignity
A large penis violated the calculations of the ideal proportions of the male body, however, as well as a large female breast. It has always been believed that the main thing in sculpture is not the details, but the balance and the overall composition. The famous director Oredsson once said the following about this:
Maybe the man of art is right — after all, we do not go to museums to look at the reproductive organs in their intraspecific diversity. By the way, did you know that ancient statues thousands of years ago looked quite different from what they do now? It's not the destructive effect of time, but the fact that they were colored!
Keywords: Antiquity | Greeks | Art | Penis | Romans | Sculptures
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