5 rules for a full reboot, or How to use your weekend properly

It is not easy for a modern person to rest on weekends. Even if you are not pestered by unceremonious managers and annoying colleagues on the phone, it is not easy to get rid of thoughts about work. We have prepared five tips from psychologists that will help you get away from important things for at least a couple of days and have a good rest.

5 rules for a full reboot, or How to use your weekend properly

First of all, you need to understand that the weekend is not a gift of fate, but a necessity. We need them in order not to burn out and keep working, since both the body and the brain need time to recover. Of course, you can do without rest days, but the more you neglect the needs of your body, the more, against the background of stress and overwork, you will lose motivation and destroy your immunity.

Practicing psychologist, founder of the project Otvet.co Veronika Sidorova told reporters that she had to learn to rest properly for a long time.

Veronika does not claim that this way of rest will suit anyone, but she is sure that her experience will give an impulse to think about what exactly helps us restore our strength.

There are people who think with horror about an idle pastime and the thought of a weekend spent in the company of a plaid and a TV series is unbearable for them. People who are constantly rushing into battle need a hobby for recreation. It can be any hobby, but it is desirable that it is not related to professional activity. And yet, it will be good if a hobby involves some obligations to others, for example, joint training. So it will be more difficult for you to "jump off".

5 rules for a full reboot, or How to use your weekend properly

Very often, the only way to distract from the workflow on the weekend is to turn off all notifications in the phone. You are here and now without checking your mail and messengers every minute. If you are not a cardiologist surgeon and human life does not depend on you, then absolutely nothing terrible will happen in a few hours of your complete absence. Yes, it can be scary to give up a smartphone for the first time, but over time you will understand the charm of this condition.

On Friday evening, put everything aside and make a clear plan of action for Monday. It will take only 10-15 minutes, but it will be of great benefit not only to your work, but also to the upcoming rest. Specify not only important things, but also small assignments. Do not forget to think about how you will perform them and to whom, if necessary, you can turn for help.

5 rules for a full reboot, or How to use your weekend properly

It is possible that the anxiety for the upcoming start of the week will not leave you in this case. Then discuss all the issues that concern you with colleagues and managers on Friday and clarify the important points. If you have a firm confidence that you are ready for the beginning of the week, it will be much easier for you to leave thoughts about working on the weekend.

Don't allow yourself to stay at home on weekends if you can't stay away from your computer and work chats. It is best to go far out of town, preferably to places remote from civilization where there is no mobile connection. Take friends with you who do not encourage excessive passion for work and, most importantly, do not take a laptop with you in any case.

5 rules for a full reboot, or How to use your weekend properly

If there is no opportunity to go to nature, arrange an excursion to another city or even just take a walk in the park. But the main thing is that no matter what happens, avoid thinking and talking about work.

Keywords: Weekends | Colleagues | Rest | Vacation | Work | Manager

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