22 photos in which some strange things are happening
Categories: Positive
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/22-photos-in-which-some-strange-things-are-happening.htmlSometimes you need to be at the right time and in the right place to make a good shot. And sometimes they turn out on their own! So it happened with these photos. What is imprinted on them causes laughter, surprise and a lot of questions. The first one: "What is going on here at all?".
The invisible man?
A tiny hand is not a hindrance to football.
Try to figure out what's wrong with their legs.
I wonder how much food is needed to feed such a long cat?
It looks like Photoshop, but if you look closely, everything becomes clear.
"A rare two-headed horse was spotted this morning."
What is his foot size?
Just someone's finger in the reflection. What did you think?
Sorry, I think your dog broke down here.
Depilation? No, I haven't heard.
The king of beasts.
It will take you a few minutes…
"I was just trying to take a picture of a cute snail."
This guy has extremely long arms.
"Me and my levitating son at the skating rink."
Does anyone know which of these bodies this head belongs to?
I think this dog has seven paws.
When the eye and nose changed places.
Merged together.
Is that a foot keyboard?
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