Dogs in cars
Categories: Animals | Photo project | Positive
By Pictolic not to smile at these cute dogs mordechi sticking out of car Windows. It is part of the project and the blog titled "Dogs in Cars" (Dogs in cars), which were created by the photographer Lara Jo Regan, from Los Angeles.
On these pictures you will see dogs of different breeds, all enjoying the wind on the tongue and a refreshing breeze in the fur. Here it is a simple canine happiness!
"I usually do some strange and complex the projects to make sure that no one will do the same," says Lara Jo Regan.
"But as the owner of three dogs in a full car Los Angeles, I realized that a project of this kind – what I need right now".
"Most of the dogs just go crazy once you're in, and I wanted to capture this amazing natural energy in his photographs".
Regan issued a calendar for 2014 by motives of Dogs in Cars, and in the spring of 2014 released her book.
In addition to self pictures, photos, sent in by readers — most of these photos signed with the name of the animal or the country where the picture was taken.
Keywords: Animals | Dogs | Calendar | Positive | Photo-project
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