10 reasons why you should eat nuts
Categories: Food and Drinks | Healthy lifestyle | Lifestyle | Nature | People | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/10-reasons-why-you-should-eat-nuts.htmlNuts protect against premature death, help in the fight against type 2 diabetes, and their regular consumption prolongs life. These are just a few of the 10 reasons why it is worth eating nuts every day. Learn more about the health benefits of nuts that are the foundation of a healthy diet at Pictolic.
1. Nuts reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, protecting the heart from myocardial infarction. Research results published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, based on an analysis of 25 scientific papers from seven countries, show that adding 70 grams of nuts to the daily diet leads to a 7.4 percent reduction in bad blood cholesterol. and total cholesterol by more than 5 percent. In addition, nuts are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 - the best medicine for the heart, as well as arginine - an amino acid that converts into nitric oxide in the body and improves the functioning of blood vessels. (Photo: 123RF).
2. Nuts improve heart rate. Found in nuts, alpha-linolenic acid helps fight arrhythmias. It is found in the greatest quantities in walnuts. (Photo: mtj_107 / flickr.com).
3. Nuts protect the brain from aging. Due to their high vitamin E content, nuts protect the nervous system from the cognitive decline that is characteristic of old age. The most effective in this regard are peanuts, which, in addition to vitamin E, also contain folic acid and vitamin A. (Photo: Brian E Kushner / flickr.com).
4. Nuts act like Viagra. Viagra, like arginine, which is found in large quantities in nuts, promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide, in turn, triggers a chain of reactions leading to the relaxation of smooth muscles, resulting in increased blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis, which ensures its erectile function. According to a group of urologists and biochemists from Ankara University, a daily intake of just 100 grams of pistachios for three weeks is enough to improve erectile function even in patients with impotence. (Photo: Alfredk / flickr.com).
5. Nuts rejuvenate sperm. A study from the University of California Los Angeles found that consuming just 75 grams of walnuts per day significantly improved sperm quality - vitality, motility, and sperm morphology. (Photo: Media).
6. Nuts protect against prostate cancer. Brazil nuts, which are rich in selenium, do the best for this. And this element, as shown by long-term observations conducted at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Milan Geybels, Ph.D., led a research team that analyzed medical histories of 60,000 men between 55 and 69 years of age for nearly 17 years and measured their micronutrient levels. Men who had optimal selenium levels were 60 percent less likely to experience such diseases as prostatitis, folliculitis, etc. Just one Brazilian nut per day meets the daily requirement for this element. Keep in mind that excessive selenium intake is harmful - it causes skin problems and can contribute to the development of diabetes. (Photo: Media).
7. Nuts relieve stress or at least compensate for the harmful effects of stress. And all thanks to the aforementioned alpha-linolenic acid, which protects the cardiovascular system from the harmful effects of stress hormones. The high content of vitamin E, vitamin B, and magnesium also helps to strengthen the immune system weakened by stress and a fast pace of life. (Photo: Depositphotos)
8. Nuts prolong life. According to a study in which more than 118 thousand people took part, the risk of premature death is reduced by about 20% in those who regularly consume 28 grams of nuts a day, seven days a week. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, people who ate 28 grams of nuts daily had a 29 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease, a 24 percent lower risk of dying from respiratory disease, and an 11 percent lower risk of dying from cancer. ... (Photo: MIgracionTOtal / flickr.com).
9. Nuts help with type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown that daily consumption of nuts reduces and stabilizes blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes. This gives even better results than the standard diabetes diet. Clinical trials involving 450 diabetics have shown that consuming 28 grams of nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, coconuts, and edible chestnuts) twice a day improves blood sugar levels. (Photo: neomedia).
10. Nuts help maintain optimal weight. Although nuts are very high in calories, according to research by nutritionists at Purdue University, they do not contribute to excess weight at all. And all thanks to the unique combination of fat and fiber, which quickly satisfy hunger. (Photo: Media).
Keywords: Nuts | Premature death | Diabetes | Health | Healthy life | Benefits of nuts | Healthy diet | People
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