10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

Categories: History | People | Photo project | Society | World

When it comes to the brutal and bloody world of gladiators, we think we know almost everything. The two men fight to the death with swords and minimal armor. Or a team of gladiators fighting wild animals. Whatever the scenario, the male gladiators were the stars of the show.

But did you know that there were also female gladiators who also fought? Here are some fascinating facts about these brave female warriors.


10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

1. Topless battle.

In some cases, the gladiator fight was similar to modern TV shows or movies. The organizers have always thought of new ways to give the audience something extra and stand out from the crowd. One result of this was the introduction of women. They were originally introduced as an offbeat take on the main male act and to give eager crowds a new thrill. A large part of their original function was to defuse the situation with comical combat before intense male battles. Many female fighters started fighting dwarfs to make the crowd laugh or small animals.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

2. Additional entertainment.

In some cases, the gladiator fight was similar to modern TV shows or movies. The organizers have always thought of new ways to give the audience something extra and stand out from the crowd. One result of this was the introduction of women. They were originally introduced as an offbeat take on the main male act and to give eager crowds a new thrill. A large part of their original function was to defuse the situation with comical combat before intense male battles. Many female fighters started fighting dwarfs to make the crowd laugh or small animals.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

3. Private tuition.

In ancient times, women did not always have the same freedoms as men in some aspects of life. In Roman times, this came down to not being allowed to visit official gladiator camps to learn how to fight. Instead, it is believed that many female gladiatrics instead used their own money to hire personal tutors to prepare for their new careers.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

4. Were classified as prostitutes.

One interesting note about female gladiators is how they were perceived by Roman society. Male gladiators were classified as heroes if they survived to gain their freedom. They not only received the status of citizens but could then marry or return to their families. But not female fighters. Female gladiators were considered a disgrace to Roman society and were in fact classified in the same group as sex workers. It basically boiled down to them fighting nearly naked and selling their bodies for fun. When they were done fighting, they were social outcasts and were considered off-limits to any Roman male as wives.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

5. Original rebels.

As can be seen from the above, becoming a female gladiator was actually a very rebellious and courageous act. The women who chose to fight of their own free will did so for the sake of fame, fortune, and celebrity.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

6. Amazon and Achilles.

One of the most famous records of female gladiators was found in Turkey. It was a key part of the Roman Empire and there were amphitheaters for fighting. A plaque found in one of them showed two female fighters named Amazon and Achilles. It was erected in honor of the brutal fight that ended in a draw and both won the prize money. Many believe the tie was actually staged to strike an alternative, happier ending to the historical story of Achilles killing the Amazon warrior queen he loved.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

7. Dolls as souvenirs.

Ancient gladiator competitions were wildly popular throughout the Roman Empire and were like attending a modern football game (but with more killing). Many ordinary citizens liked to go to the Colosseum or their local amphitheater to see their favorite fighters in action. Without missing a beat, gift shops were soon established for the crowd, who could buy the gladiator merchandise they liked best. This also included female fighters who also had doll toys and statues in their honor in these gift shops.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

8. Tomb of Roman gladiation.

In 2000, archaeologists discovered the grave of a young woman near the site of an old amphitheater in London. When they looked into the grave, they found it filled with valuable trinkets and gladiatorial items. They also found the remains of expensive food, which they believe was eaten at the funeral in her honor. Putting it all together, they are sure that Grave was one of the famous female gladiators who must have been well known and loved.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

9. Women gladiators are prohibited.

As soon as women were given permission to compete, it was immediately taken away. In 200 AD Emperor Septimius Severus visited the Olympic Games in Greece, and after that, he forbade all women to fight as gladiators. But what happened in Greece that made him do it? Many believe that he was influenced by the Greeks' decision to ban women from entering the Olympics. It is also believed that they were concerned about the influence of women who chose to pursue a career and how this affected views on marriage in Roman society.

10 most interesting facts about female gladiators

10. Slave women.

Many of the women we talked about above were free citizens who chose to fight for their own free will. However, like the men, there were also slaves captured by the Roman forces, and they were forced to fight. Emperor Nero liked to have them hunt wild animals in the arena with only a small pocket knife to protect themselves.

Keywords: Interesting facts | Female gladiators | Gladiators | Fighting women | World | History | People | Society

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